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Wajter raport

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by besposlenpop sri stu 12, 2014 12:30 pm

whisperer je napisao/la:...
b) lovi ribe k'o malo dijete, tipa, stavi komadić kruha na ješkicu
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Whisperer je napisao/la:c) dobiva frišku ribu od lokalnih ribara ...
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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by besposlenpop sri stu 12, 2014 12:31 pm

Ligeja je napisao/la:
besposlenpop je napisao/la:
Ligeja je napisao/la:
Pancho je napisao/la:

Scramble Grin

Cekaj, to zbog naziva "Neuromancer" ili i ti opisujes nebo nad lukom? Grin
Wajter raport - Page 33 Iyiyemeginsirri_1347263825163

Tvoje je nebo bas ukusno. Grin No, dobro, kod tebe uvijek nekako sve zavrsi na hrani. Lijepe su ti boje, sto jest jest.. Happy

A ima i luka.  Cool

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Gost sri stu 12, 2014 12:36 pm

More than 300 companies, including PepsiCo Inc, AIG Inc and Deutsche Bank AG, secured secret deals from Luxembourg to slash their tax bills, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) reported on 5 November, quoting leaked documents.

Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, who was prime minister of Luxembourg from 1995-2013, has so far declined to comment.

The companies appear to have channeled hundreds of billions of dollars through Luxembourg and saved billions of dollars in taxes, the group of investigative journalists said, based on a review of nearly 28,000 pages of confidential documents.

Luxembourg Leaks: Global Companies' Secrets Exposed
The landlocked European duchy is a “magical fairyland” for brand-name businesses seeking to dramatically reduce tax bills.


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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Gost sri stu 12, 2014 12:38 pm

Key Findings

   Pepsi, IKEA, AIG, Coach, Deutsche Bank, Abbott Laboratories and nearly 340 other companies have secured secret deals from Luxembourg that allowed many of them to slash their global tax bills.

   PricewaterhouseCoopers has helped multinational companies obtain at least 548 tax rulings in Luxembourg from 2002 to 2010. These legal secret deals feature complex financial structures designed to create drastic tax reductions. The rulings provide written assurance that companies’ tax-saving plans will be viewed favorably by Luxembourg authorities.

   Companies have channeled hundreds of billions of dollars through Luxembourg and saved billions of dollars in taxes. Some firms have enjoyed effective tax rates of less than 1 percent on the profits they’ve shuffled into Luxembourg.

   Many of the tax deals exploited international tax mismatches that allowed companies to avoid taxes both in Luxembourg and elsewhere through the use of so-called hybrid loans.
   In many cases Luxembourg subsidiaries handling hundreds of millions of dollars in business maintain little presence and conduct little economic activity in Luxembourg. One popular address – 5, rue Guillaume Kroll – is home to more than 1,600 companies.


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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Gost sri stu 12, 2014 12:54 pm

‘Lux Leaks’ causes ‘tax storm’ of government, media response

Wajter raport - Page 33 OfdYk5s

Public officials across the globe reacted with swift condemnation and calls for reform following ICIJ’s investigation into secret tax deals between Luxembourg and hundreds of international corporations.

The New York Times said the revelations have sparked a “rising furor” in Europe. Reuters called the reaction a “tax storm.” Response has been especially instense in Brussels, where the European Commission has been seeking to eliminate tax havens within the European Union.

Reporting by ICIJ and its partners was based on a leak of 548 private tax rulings – also known as “comfort letters” – negotiated by accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers on behalf of more than 340 multinational corporations. The documents provided a road map into how corporations shave billions of dollars in taxes by routing profits through Luxembourg.

At the center of the “Lux Leaks” controversy is Jean-Claude Juncker, new president of the European Commission. Juncker was Luxembourg’s prime minister at the time many of the country’s tax-avoidance rules were enacted.


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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Gost sri stu 12, 2014 1:24 pm


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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Gost sri stu 12, 2014 8:18 pm

što reči o vremenu u Zagrebu
ujutro cmoljava kišica, oblačno
oko 11 probilo se sunce , u 12 je tak bilo toplo i snčano da si mogel šetati ( i jesam) u kratkim rukavima
oko pol 2 se opet naoblačilo i neka cmoljava kišica. 
U 7 navečer se počelo vedriti, zahladilo nije, jaknica tanka,
lišće šušti pod nogama i samo po tome znamo da je jesen  zubo


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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Gost pet stu 14, 2014 6:53 am

danas kod mene ne pada kiša... 
bog zna što će kod vas padati sad kad sam došla i tu ostaviti koji biser mudrosti  zubo


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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by besposlenpop pet stu 14, 2014 8:30 am

Btw je napisao/la:danas kod mene ne pada kiša... 
bog zna što će kod vas padati sad kad sam došla i tu ostaviti koji biser mudrosti  zubo
Tlak ...

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Buffy pet stu 14, 2014 8:34 am

Evo već drugi tjedan smišljam kako macu s tavana otpraviti u vrt ponovo. Prekjučer muž išao ostaviti joj hranu, svai puta malo dalje od prvobitnog položaja, a prema vratima koja vode u haustor. Pri tome sretne suseda, o čemu se radi, maca, bla, opiše strategiju i odjednom ranim jutrom urlikanje po krovu.
Nonšalantno najpametniji je otvorio prozor da mačka može na krov, a kamo će dalje, njegova briga nije.
Odmah otvorila vrata, kako je čula vrata vratila se, danas akcija.

Sipi rosulja, 11 stupnjeva. Prije par dana sam čula kako su se kupali u Šibeniku.

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by darla_ pet stu 14, 2014 3:11 pm

Btw je napisao/la:danas kod mene ne pada kiša... 
bog zna što će kod vas padati sad kad sam došla i tu ostaviti koji biser mudrosti  zubo

Za sada je sunce, tako da nisi uzrokovala elementarne nepogode Grin

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by darla_ pet stu 14, 2014 3:13 pm

Buffy je napisao/la:

Sipi rosulja, 11 stupnjeva. Prije par dana sam čula kako su se kupali u Šibeniku.

Pa i tu se ljudi jos uvijek kupaju, meni je to nezamislivo, ali po danu je fakat vruce, samo nam je u glavi da je 11 mjesec.

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Gost pet stu 14, 2014 4:29 pm

Pancho je napisao/la:
Buffy je napisao/la:

Sipi rosulja, 11 stupnjeva. Prije par dana sam čula kako su se kupali u Šibeniku.

Pa i tu se ljudi jos uvijek kupaju, meni je to nezamislivo, ali po danu je fakat vruce, samo nam je u glavi da je 11 mjesec.
morat ćemo to iz glave izbiti
je cmoljavo i bi nebi kiša, i bi nebi sunce, na kraju je nebi sunca al za kišu se još nezna
loptala se malo sa pesom i morala se raskopčati, a jakna tanka a špeksi grije
a opet kak bit u kratkim rukavima, koji je mjesec a i nema sunca  zubo zubo zubo


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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by besposlenpop pet stu 14, 2014 10:56 pm

Ja već godinama idem na posel u polo majici. Do posla me grije auto, u zadnje vreme i tradicionalno pregrijani vlakovi, na biciklu se ionak zašvicam kad i ne bi imal prek majice jaknu ... a na poslu su cimeri u pravilu zimogrozni.

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by darla_ ned stu 16, 2014 9:46 am

Pope mora da su ti cimeri, zenskice, one su obicno zimogrozne Grin

Od jutros lije kisa, ali ne da lije, nego u naletima vjetra lije, morala sam cekati pauzu da uopce dodjem do auta da mogu u ducan, niti kabanica, niti kisobran ne pomazu Grin

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by whisperer ned stu 16, 2014 1:04 pm

Sunčani dan i ugodno zubat. Još uvijek ispijam kavicu..

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Gost ned stu 16, 2014 9:01 pm

whisperer je napisao/la:Sunčani dan i ugodno zubat. Još uvijek ispijam kavicu..
sinoć je padala kiša
niš nisam čula, ujutro skužila po lokvama
Danas neopisivo lijep dan, sunčano i toplo,  šetnja oko podneva u kratkim rukavima


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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by besposlenpop ned stu 16, 2014 9:38 pm

Pancho je napisao/la:Pope mora da su ti cimeri, zenskice, one su obicno zimogrozne Grin

Nisu, jedan je Ero, a druga dva Zagorci.

A kaj se tiče zagrepčanki - e te su fakat zimogrozne do pleksusa. Kad opadne prvi list, navlače čižme do koljena i zimske kapute. Falabogu, pa se već godinama ne vozim tramvajem - od tih me prizora hvataju valungi. Wajter raport - Page 33 S025

Meteorologistica je sinoć prognozezirala kišu - a celi dan jebilo sunčano!  tongue

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Gost pon stu 17, 2014 5:03 am

besposlenpop je napisao/la:
Pancho je napisao/la:Pope mora da su ti cimeri, zenskice, one su obicno zimogrozne Grin

Nisu, jedan je Ero, a druga dva Zagorci.

A kaj se tiče zagrepčanki - e te su fakat zimogrozne do pleksusa. Kad opadne prvi list, navlače čižme do koljena i zimske kapute. Falabogu, pa se već godinama ne vozim tramvajem - od tih me prizora hvataju valungi. Wajter raport - Page 33 S025

Meteorologistica je sinoć prognozezirala kišu - a celi dan jebilo sunčano!  tongue
pada, rominja jesenski


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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Buffy pon stu 17, 2014 3:26 pm

U stvari sasvim ugodno hodati po gradu Happy

Maca konačno nakon dva tjedna plakanja po krovu, ulovljena uz pomoć Prave Šape i velike lovke.
Usput ulovili u vrtu i njenu seku, sutra obje idu na sterilizaciju.

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by darla_ sri stu 19, 2014 7:24 am

Jutro svima Grin

Da udahnem dva puta, pa u pogon  Cry

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by besposlenpop sri stu 19, 2014 10:35 am

Suho, prohladno, uglavnom sunčato ...

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by Gost sri stu 19, 2014 11:28 am

besposlenpop je napisao/la:Suho, prohladno, uglavnom sunčato ...
tak je


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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by darla_ sri stu 19, 2014 7:50 pm

dromsin je napisao/la:
besposlenpop je napisao/la:Suho, prohladno, uglavnom sunčato ...
tak je
 nije  zubo

Vlazno, kisno, jugo dere, zatvorili most ...  Cool

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Wajter raport - Page 33 Empty Re: Wajter raport

Postaj by besposlenpop sri stu 19, 2014 7:59 pm

... kmica ...

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Sponsored content

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