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Tijek misli ..

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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by Gost sri kol 20, 2014 12:27 am

darla_ je napisao/la:
Ligeja je napisao/la:Hvala svima! Happy Javim se s novim pitanjima... I da, da, zapravo, u pravu si, Darla. Cini mi se da me je i zaintrigirala citava ta prica oko "sjecanja predaka" zbog te presutne mogucnosti genetskog prenosenja svijesti. Super si to uoblicila!

Da, bila bi fora kad bi u biti otkrili mehanizam genetskog prenosenja informacija takove vrste, ajmo reci mogucnost downlodanja duse, duha, svijesti ili kako vec kome to drago nazivati.

Logicno bi bilo, ako pretpostavimo da postoji set osobina individualne svijesti, da mora biti neki "prijemnik" koju tu informaciju prima.

s ovim "otkricem" kojeg ja znam vec desetljecima al jebiga nisam renomirani otoritet pa me se ne shvaca i ne zeli shvatit itd... da ne ponavljam historiju, gdje god sa o tome nekad davno pricao uvijek su se nasli oni koji su se jebeno dobro potrudili da mi zacepe usta. tak, sad kemijam sam za sebe i ne pada mi na pamet pisat o tim stvarima makar imam pun brod podataka. jednostavno mi se ne da. rvati su postigli cilj zacepili su mi usta. inace sa svim ovime iznad postaje deplasirano uopce nekome postavit pitanje tko si ti zapravo? jer to je pitanje koje nikad nece imati pravi odgovor. ima ona moja tema realnost nitko ne komentira.


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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by darla_ sri kol 20, 2014 9:01 am

escaped je napisao/la:

s ovim "otkricem" kojeg ja znam vec desetljecima al jebiga nisam renomirani otoritet pa me se ne shvaca i ne zeli shvatit itd... da ne ponavljam historiju, gdje god sa o tome nekad davno pricao uvijek su se nasli oni koji su se jebeno dobro potrudili da mi zacepe usta. tak, sad kemijam sam za sebe i ne pada mi na pamet pisat o tim stvarima makar imam pun brod podataka. jednostavno mi se ne da. rvati su postigli cilj zacepili su mi usta. inace sa svim ovime iznad postaje deplasirano uopce nekome postavit pitanje tko si ti zapravo? jer to je pitanje koje nikad nece imati pravi odgovor. ima ona moja tema realnost nitko ne komentira.

Pa nije stvar u tome, svi mi mozemo imati neka svoja osobna iskustva i na osnovi toga pojedine postavke, medjutim ono o cemu smo gore pricali bi znacilo znanstvenu potvrdu nekih stvari, a to bez kvalitetnih pokusa, labosa i nekih ostalih stvari ne ide. Uglavnom sto ti, ja ili netko treci zna je irelevantno sa znanstvenog stajalista, dokle to ne mozemo i pokusno dokazati. S time da u toj domeni po meni ce se jos uvijek dugo gubiti, jer su im neke premise krive, pa logicno da ce i zakljuci biti krivi, jerbo stalno izuzimaju cinjenice da fizicko tijelo nije jedino tijelo koje mi imamo i da geni i DNA imaju svoj energetski inprint. Uglavnom rusi su radili zanimljiva istrazivanja o utjecaju razlicitih frekvencija i vibracija na tijelo, utjecaju zvuka na DNA, svjetlosnog spektra itd. stavljala sam to jednom davno kad smo pricali o tome, medjutim posto je znanost jos uvijek newtonowska, a puzevim koracima ide prema kvantnom modelu, dotle ce takva istrazivanja biti marginalna.

Nije deplasirano postaviti pitanje tko si ti zapravo, bas iz razloga sto ne mozes doci do odgovora. Pitanje je i konstruirano tako da ti srusi model kojim si uvjetovan, jer svaki puta nema odgovora, odnosno jedini iskreni odgovor je da ne znas ili da si nista. Medjutim kako djelujes po tom pitanju dekonstruiras razlicite zablude, to je svrha tog pitanja.

Vidjela sam temu, na onako kako je postavljena ja nemam bas sto puno reci, osim da je vrlo jasno da na fizickoj razini percipiras ono na sto si primarno koncentriran, i to je tvoj trenutni realitet, a ostalo "propustas", a nisam ti ju htjela odvuci u mom poznatom smjeru, vec smo raspravljali prije o percepciji realnosti i napisala sam vise manje tamo sto mislim, odnosno koje je moje vidjenje te price.

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Join date : 31.05.2014

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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by Gost sri kol 20, 2014 1:37 pm

tvoj odgovor zahtjeva opsirnu psiholosko socijalno naucnu analizu za koju treba malo vise vremena pa cu odgovarat kako stignem.

frapantna je zabluda da za otktit nesto trebaju specijalni labosi i specijalni ljudi ( pod specijalni mislim na one koji pripadaju samoproglasenom ili drustveno priznatom i proglasenom statusu ili kasti ). to je enormna zabluda i to veoma opasna jer se ljudima koji nisu dio te elite eksplicite negira bilo kakvo otkrice do koga su dosli solo i na svoj nacin svojim metodama.
ja ne kazem da sam u pravu, ipak sam naucno ustrojen lik ali radim svoja istrazivanja buduci da mi samoproglasena i drustveno priznata elita strucnjaka jos uvijek nije dala odgovore na neka moja pitanja.
sto opet ne znaci da sam neki nutcase jer ne patim od galileove zablude, nego ako se netko ne slaze s mojim misljenjima odmah pitam tu osobu da li on ili ona imaju neki dokaziv protuargument zasto moja postavka tj. postulat nije ispravan.uglavnom nema konkretnih protuargumenata nego komunikacija krene adhominem tipa da sta sam si ja umislio da znam vise od strucnjaka koji su diplomirali i koji su autoriteti. ovdje ne mislim na tebe, forum i virtualu nego na dogadjaje koji mi se desavaju u RL. naglasak isklucivi je bio na dogadjaje u RL. ja sam prekjucer u bircu svima rekao da su mi oni svi najveci neprijatelji. neprijatelji su mi svi koji hodaju ulicom, svi po svim tim smetlistima koje hrvati ponosno zovu trgovacki centri, znaci svi ti mali gradjani koji eto misle da sam isti kao oni i sta ja sad koji kurac kemijam sta se pravim pametan. moje je da kupim mortadelu i kruh pojedem to popijem pivo i to je to. za ostale vise sfere se brinu naucnici u bijelim kutama koji niti ne pricaju sa lkudima vulgaris u koje po drustvenom sudu spadam i ja jer tako misli vecina a ako tako misli vecina onda je to ispravno i tocka nema rasprave. ako se krenes bunit ta ista okolina vulgaris ce te marginalizirati na sve moguce i nemoguce nacine koji su zamislivi i nezamislivi. naravno ima tu jos toga za minucioznu sociolosku analizu kako drustvo funkcionira i koje i od koga ideje i nova saznanja i otkrica prolaze a cija otkrica i saznanja budu od drustva ignorirane, marginalizirane, ismijavane itd.

iz mog iskustva znam da je najbolje sutiti i nikad ne reci sve sto znas i sto sve znas jer ces postati target okolini vulgaris da te sjebu na sve moguce nacine, to znaci kad si u rimu ponasaj se kao rimljanin a kad si medju budalama ponasaj se kao budala. ja se bas nemogu ponasat kao budala ma da sam uspio gas smanjit na minimum minimuma ali vise nemogu ovako.

sto je Galileo gambit:

The Galileo gambit, or Galileo fallacy, is the notion that if your ideas provoke the establishment to vilify or threaten you, you must be right. It refers to Galileo Galilei's famous persecution at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church for his defence of heliocentrism in the face of the orthodox Biblical literalism of the day (though some alternative medicine proponents use Ignaz Semmelweis instead of Galileo). People use this argument repeatedly in response to serious criticisms that more often than not they just don't understand.

The argument in a nutshell is "A is in X and Y, B is in X, therefore B is in Y":

They made fun of Galileo, and he was right.
They make fun of me, therefore I am right.

It is freakishly common among creationists and global warming denialists alike against the evil scientific consensus.

In reality, taking up the mantle of Galileo requires not just that you are scorned by the establishment but also that you are correct.[1] — that is, that the evidence supports your position. There is no necessary link between being perceived as wrong and actually being correct; if people perceive you to be wrong, you usually are wrong. However, the selective reporting of cases where people who were persecuted or ostracized for beliefs and ideas that later turned out to be valid has instilled a confidence in woo promoters and pseudoscientists that is difficult to shake. They really do forget the part where they have to prove themselves right in order to be like Galileo.

The fallacy as normally used relies, to a large extent, on misrepresenting the refusal of the scientific community to publish or engage with cranks as "censorship."

The gambit takes many forms, but in most cases someone using it to promote their ideas will highlight their perceived persecution. This supposed persecution is blown out of all proportion until an observer almost has no choice but to accept their ideas practically as a sympathy vote. Such tactics are used in the "documentary" Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, which focused on several academics who supposedly lost jobs because they promoted intelligent design as a valid hypothesis. The film portrayed this as a violation of academic freedom, and played the persecution card extensively. Among those capable of indulging this gambit, mere opposition to their crankery alone may be sufficient to induce the belief that they are being persecuted, and hence, were right all along.

Cranks who use the gambit to claim persecution by "Big Science" often fail to see the irony in the comparison — it was the Catholic Church that censored Galileo, not the "scientific establishment."

huh...malo mi je pobjegao tijek misli. nije za mene tipkovnica prebrzo mislim presporo tipkam.


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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by darla_ sri kol 20, 2014 3:53 pm

Razumijemo se, ono sto ti ja govorim je da dokle Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, Stanford ili neko slicno Sveuciliste ne objavi takve rezultate ili ne izadje u Genome, Nature ili nekom slicnom casopisu dotle se globalno govoreci nece "pikati", odnosno nece vaziti, odnosno nece biti mainstream znanost.

I nebi se slozila da ti ne treba labos, ako ces raditi sa genima i DNA ili sa neuroplasticitetom mozga, ti definitivno treba labos i jako dobro poznavanje, genetike, biokemije, fiziologije ljudskog tijela.

Mislim to da ljudi vec tisucljecima znaju neke stvari o ljudskom tijelu u koje znanost jos nije ni blizu zasla nije neka tajna. Uzmi samo kinesku medicinu i merdijane i akupunkturu ili ayurvedu. Oni tisucljecima pricaju o prani, chi-ju, o suptilnim tijelima itd., a nisu vidjeli modernog labosa.

I tisucljecima pomazu ljudima u razlicitim situacijama od osnovnih zdravstvenih, do ajmo reci duhovnog razvoja.

Neki dan sam citala od Igora Kufayev-a, Fiziologiju aktivacije kundalinija. Covjek nije znanstvenik po vokaciji, slikar je, ali je imao spontane aktivacije kundalinija i posto je pri tome imao razlicite "probleme" od fizicke, do psiholoske naravi, bio je determiniran da pronadje cisto bioloske odgovore, onako prizemljene jer mu je bilo jasno da pocne pricati o purushi, koshi, prani itd. da ga nitko nece dozivjeti ozbiljno, pa je uspostavio kontakte sa voljnim znanstvenicima razlicitih fela i u biti sklopio to u jedan zanimljiv pregled od utjecaja na endokrini sustav, promjena u razini hormona, mijenjanja neuroplasticiteta mozga, mehanizma oslobadjanja trauma "memoriranih u tijelu", medjusobnoj interakciji tijelo psiha pri takvim aktivacijama i nije bas da ima malu publiku po tom pitanju.

Vrlo ga dozivljavaju na godisnjim konferencijama Science& Nonduality, gdje ucestvuju ljudi sa razlicitim duhovnim iskustvima i malo slobodnoumniji znanstvenici.

Tako da ono cemu su se ljudi uglavnom zapadnog podrijetla smijali ili cinicno komentirali nije bas vise neka tabu tema.

Pitanje je samo tko ti je publika, a posto ucestvujem putem interneta na razlicitim dogadjanjima tog tipa, jer danas je to vrlo lako imas razlicita on-line, real-time dogadjanja od kojih su neka i interaktivna, velika je populacija ljudi sa kojima mogu o tome pricati.

Tak da moja percepcija realiteta po tom pitanju je skroz drugacija, niti mislim da bi ti itko u tim krugovima kontrirao neargumentirano.

Posts : 1482
Join date : 31.05.2014

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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by Gost sri kol 20, 2014 4:04 pm

darla_ je napisao/la:Razumijemo se, ono sto ti ja govorim je da dokle Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, Stanford ili neko slicno Sveuciliste ne objavi takve rezultate ili ne izadje u Genome, Nature ili nekom slicnom casopisu dotle se globalno govoreci nece "pikati", odnosno nece vaziti, odnosno nece biti mainstream znanost.

I nebi se slozila da ti ne treba labos, ako ces raditi sa genima i DNA ili sa neuroplasticitetom mozga, ti definitivno treba labos i jako dobro poznavanje, genetike, biokemije, fiziologije ljudskog tijela.

Mislim to da ljudi vec tisucljecima znaju neke stvari o ljudskom tijelu u koje znanost jos nije ni blizu zasla nije neka tajna. Uzmi samo kinesku medicinu i merdijane i akupunkturu ili ayurvedu. Oni tisucljecima pricaju o prani, chi-ju, o suptilnim tijelima itd., a nisu vidjeli modernog labosa.

I tisucljecima pomazu ljudima u razlicitim situacijama od osnovnih zdravstvenih, do ajmo reci duhovnog razvoja.

Neki dan sam citala od Igora Kufayev-a, Fiziologiju aktivacije kundalinija. Covjek nije znanstvenik po vokaciji, slikar je, ali je imao spontane aktivacije kundalinija i posto je pri tome imao razlicite "probleme" od fizicke, do psiholoske naravi, bio je determiniran da pronadje cisto bioloske odgovore, onako prizemljene jer mu je bilo jasno da pocne pricati o purushi, koshi, prani itd. da ga nitko nece dozivjeti ozbiljno, pa je uspostavio kontakte sa voljnim znanstvenicima razlicitih fela i u biti sklopio to u jedan zanimljiv pregled od utjecaja na endokrini sustav, promjena u razini hormona, mijenjanja neuroplasticiteta mozga, mehanizma oslobadjanja trauma "memoriranih u tijelu", medjusobnoj interakciji tijelo psiha pri takvim aktivacijama i nije bas da ima malu publiku po tom pitanju.

Vrlo ga dozivljavaju na godisnjim konferencijama Science& Nonduality, gdje ucestvuju ljudi sa razlicitim duhovnim iskustvima i malo slobodnoumniji znanstvenici.

Tako da ono cemu su se ljudi uglavnom zapadnog podrijetla smijali ili cinicno komentirali nije bas vise neka tabu tema.

Pitanje je samo tko ti je publika, a posto ucestvujem putem interneta na razlicitim dogadjanjima tog tipa, jer danas je to vrlo lako imas razlicita on-line, real-time dogadjanja od kojih su neka i interaktivna, velika je populacija ljudi sa kojima mogu o tome pricati.

Tak da moja percepcija realiteta po tom pitanju je skroz drugacija, niti mislim da bi ti itko u tim krugovima kontrirao neargumentirano.

slazem sa sve je tocno osim tog labosa. labos moze imat svatko tko ima puno para. sve te masine u labosu ne prave geneticari na primjer nego elektronicari znaci sasvim druga struka i nauka. cijela medicina bi jos bila na srpu i cekicu da nema tehnologije. ja znam jedno donekle i drugo u mikronske detalje. di ces bolju kombinaciju. mogu sam konstruirat koji  god sofisticirani uredjaj zamislim. upravo mi stoji na stand by EEG uredjaj i jos mnostvo drugih jedino ne stignem sve to pozavrsavat.


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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by Gost pon ruj 01, 2014 11:34 pm


This morning I suddenly catch myself: I’m not there,
I’m so lost in thought, I don’t know what’s going on around me.
Can you think yourself to death?



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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by Gost uto ruj 02, 2014 1:05 am

Ligeja je napisao/la:
Can you think yourself to death?

Philosopher: You've read The Three Musketeers?

Nana: l saw the film. Why?

Philosopher: Because in it, Porthos.. this is really in twenty years later.. Porthos, tall, strong, a little stupid.. he's never thought in his life. He has to place a bomb in a cellar to blow it up. He does it. He places the bomb, lights the fuse, then he runs away, of course. But suddenly, he begins to think. What about? How it is possible to put one foot before the other? You must have thought about that, too. So he stops running. He can't go on, he can't move forward. The bomb explodes, the cellar falls on him. He holds it up with his shoulders. But after a day, or maybe two, he is crushed to death. The first time he thought, it killed him...


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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by Gost pon ruj 08, 2014 9:18 pm

Nekoc je glazba bila vise magijskog, inkantacijskog karaktera... Da je tome tako, svjedoci i ova izvedba.

I nesto duza verzija...

This recording is one of the oldest singing forms, music languages. It's a domestic Scandinavian and Norwegian folk music form called Kulning. Women have been signing it for thousands of years. It is a 'herding' song...

There is something so ancient and haunting in this sound.

It's a kind of incantation; a spell, magic... a willful call.

"She sings to someone, or something, out there, in order to create a change....."


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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by darla_ pon ruj 08, 2014 9:25 pm

Fora skroz, bas sam neki dan citala kako samani koriste glas, odnosno odredjene zvukove u iscjeljivanju.  Happy

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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by Gost uto ruj 09, 2014 12:36 am

Happy Da, kad malo razmislis, koliko je to s glazbom, zvukovima cudesno. Pa i infrazvuk kojeg Esco spominje, a koji u nama izaziva tjeskobu, glavobolju, i tko zna sto jos sve.. Zasto je toliko ljudi oneraspolozeno tijekom juga? Ha? Happy

E, sad smo zasli u Zonu sumraka. Evo epizode s doppelgangerom. I zamisli, Bruce Willis u glavnoj ulozi. Titlovano. Happy Gledala seriju?


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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by darla_ uto ruj 09, 2014 4:00 pm

Fora, bas cu pogledati, tnx na linku  Happy.

Nisam bas bila redoviti pratitelj serije, svako toliko bi neku pogledala. Ove se ne sjecam.

A zvukovi i utjecaj na covjeka, to mi je bas zanimljivo, koliko stvaraju ugodjaj i mogu utjecati na to hoce li se tijelo opustiti ili zgrciti. Kad npr. gledas neki film i maknes zvuk, ja to nekad znam raditi ako je los zvuk na torrentu, pa samo titlove citam i recimo poslije naidjes na snimku sa boljim zvukom koja je razlika kad gledas.

Ili razlike izmedju vreve grada i zvukova negdje u prirodi, mi kazemo tisina, a u biti nije tisina, nego su umirujuci zvukovi, sum vjetra, ili mora, pticice cvrkucu.

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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by Gost uto ruj 09, 2014 8:28 pm

Da ti pustim nešto od psihodeličnog rocka? zubo

Vratim se na temu... sjetila sam se kad si spomenula da ti glazba nevjerojatno odgovara u posljednje vrijeme. Happy


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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by darla_ uto ruj 09, 2014 8:45 pm

Ligeja je napisao/la:Da ti pustim nešto od psihodeličnog rocka? zubo

Vratim se na temu... sjetila sam se kad si spomenula da ti glazba nevjerojatno odgovara u posljednje vrijeme. Happy

Mislim da bi to kod mojeg tijela izazvalo stiskanje  zubo

Aha, nekako dobije oblike, opipljiva je, fora skroz, kao da slusam sve na neki novi nacin Happy

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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by whisperer pet ruj 12, 2014 11:19 pm

Pored svih lijepih događaja u proteklih godinu dana, novih poznanstava i novih početaka, ono što bi mi u toj posebnosti istu godinu ipak malo jače obilježilo je valjda do sada najveći broj odlazaka meni bliskih i dragih ljudi. Voljela bih razumijeti umiranje na način da se ne trebam svom silom truditi potisnuti uznemirenost tog čina kako bi se nastavilo dalje normalno živjeti. Ali nije više isto, samo malo drugačije "normalno".. Danas nekog zagrliš, dogovoriš planove, nasmiješ se s istima do suza, drugi dan ti dojave da ga više nema.  Gledam sve te ljude na posljednjem oproštaju i zapravo ne vidim njih,  ne prepoznajem, to nisu oni, samo tijelo kojim su se svojedobno poslužili da bismo se susreli.. ako postoji doista nekakvo nebo prepuno inteligentnih duhova i nekakva vrhovna bića koja vladaju tim rajem, neka im je lako i mirno putovanje, dok nam se ne vrate. 

 Rastko Milošev, jedna koju je davno napisao.. 

RIP Ras, prijatelju..

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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by Gost sub ruj 13, 2014 1:41 pm

Ligeja je napisao/la:Happy Da, kad malo razmislis, koliko je to s glazbom, zvukovima cudesno. Pa i infrazvuk kojeg Esco spominje, a koji u nama izaziva tjeskobu, glavobolju, i tko zna sto jos sve..  Zasto je toliko ljudi oneraspolozeno tijekom juga? Ha? Happy

evo infrazvuk i djelovanje infrazvuka napisano na svima dosta razumljiv nacin bez masu matematickih formula i pojmova koji su poznati samo uskom krugu ljudi koji se bave proucavanjem infrazvuka. boldat cu jedino ono u vezi vjetra koje se kod nas zove Jugo a inace pocinje pod imenom Mistral u Sahari. Happy


by John D. Cody

AS thunderous tones deepen, their power seemingly intensifies over frail barriers such as glass windows. Certain abrupt thunder peals often shatter windows into tiny fragments. In the apparent absence of thunderous tones we may observe the strong and continuous vibration of glass window panes during storms. A sudden eerie silence, and the window is shattered before our eyes.

Natural phenomena are prodigious generators of infrasound. The potent distal effects produced when natural explosions occur produce legendary effects. When Krakatoa exploded, windows were shattered hundreds of miles away by the infrasonic wave. Wind was not the causative agent of these occurrences, as no wind was felt or detected. Seismographic stations registered the blast, and barometers measured the shockwaves. The "ringing" of both earth and atmosphere continued for hours. It is believed that infrasound actually formed the upper pitch of this natural volcanic explosion, tones unmeasurably deep forming the actual "central harmonic" of the event. The island of Krakatoa was literally lifted into orbit in the fatal blast. Brilliant sunsets followed for many years thereafter, the sad memorial of all the souls who perished.

The power of explosives, in shattering and devastating property, lies in two zones. The first zone is that with which we are principally familiar; the actual blast site, where chemically released gases and metal fragments push back everything in their perimeter. The second less familiar zone extends very much further from the blast site than can be imagined. It is in the powerful sonic wave which expands outward that an equally destructive danger lies. Thick pressure walls of incredible momentum, interspaced with equally thick walls of reduced air pressure, travel far away from the blast site. The blast site is the small destructive zone by comparison. Few objects can survive this destructive tide.

Analysts contend that infrasound is composed of a very broad band of pitches. These tones of immense pressure and duration "accommodate" themselves when encountering resonant cavities. All such resonant cavities are "found and destroyed" when the proper pressure waves flow into their resonances. Rooms, halls, alleys, spaces among buildings, courtyard areas, cellars, subways, sewer chambers; all these burst open into flying fragments when infrasonic waves flood them. Infrasound is the cruel tonal giant, tearing open whatever it finds in its path.

Study reveals that the sudden shock wave of an explosion propels a complex infrasonic signal far beyond the shattered perimeter. Incoherent though such shockwaves may be, their destructive influence dissolves distant walls and windows seconds after the shrapnel has done its deadly work. Objects of all shapes, sizes, and compositions explode when the infrasonic impulse passes through their space. No shield can block infrasound. Physicists have studied the refuse which remains after an explosive charge has been detonated. Few materials can maintain their integrity. Those objects which manage to survive explosions are noteworthy as infrasonic "resistors". Screen reinforced concrete does not easily succumb to the infrasonic blasts of explosive charges.


The sound of Krakatoa exploding up into space, a vertical excess of one hundred miles, succeeded in blasting out windows at a thousand mile radius from the epicenter. Certain earthquake activities produce large and virtually insensate vertical displacements of the ground surface, in extreme instances amounting to a few feet per pulse. In this case, the ground becomes the surface of a drum, ringing out its deadly cadence at infrasonic pitch hours before the event. The ground undulates with infrasonic tones, an elasticity that eventually cracks under the heaving stress.

Ultralow pitch earthquake sounds are keenly felt by animals and sensitive humans. Quakes occur in distinct stages. Long before the final breaking release of built up earth tensions, there are numerous and succinct precursory shocks. Deep shocks produce strong infrasonic impulses up to the surface, the result of massive heaving ground strata. Certain animals (fish) actually can hear infrasonic precursors. Precursory shocks are silent, being inaudible in humans. Animals, however, react strongly to the sudden surface assault of infrasonic shocks by attempting escape from the area. Animals cannot locate the source and center of these infrasonic impulses, behaving in a pitiful display of circular frenzies. The careening motion of wild horses and other domestic animals indicates their fear and anxiety. Poor creatures, neither they nor we can escape the infrasonic source. Encounters with natural infrasound reveal their vast extent, covering hundreds of square miles of surface area.

Certain animals employ infrasound as weaponry. It has been known that certain whales are able to stun their prey with powerful blasts of inaudible sounds. Called "gunshots", whales focus these powerful blasts at large squid and other fish to paralyze and catch them. In some instances, they have been known to burst their prey apart by tonal projection alone. Human experience with these inaudible blasts have been reported. The distress calls emitted by little beached whales was sufficient to push a veterinarian back several feet in the water. Others have experienced these pressure waves, reporting that their hands could not be brought close to the sinal area of small whales because of their inaudible acoustic projections.

Infrasonic shocks produce characteristic pressure effects on structures and organisms alike. The sensation flattens the body. It [60] is as if one were struck with a solid invisible wall from which there is no escape. There are physiological effects as well. Anxiety, fear, extreme emotional distress, and mental incapacitation are all part of the unpleasant phenomenon. Notable among human exposures to quake-correlated infrasound is the precursory nausea which many report. This strong sensation leaves its more sensitive victims helpless. Feeling the momentary deep motion of the ground strata beneath them, numerous individuals have been used to report these sensations in a bizarre earthquake "alarm system". Unfortunately, physiological reaction to infrasound remains continuous, long after their irritating presence has ceased. The harmfully stimulating influence of infrasound renders physiology permeable and ultrasensitive to every available environmental sensation. The extreme irritability of infrasound victims has been noted.

Earthquake infrasound manifests only at intermittent intervals, producing drastic and sustained negative modifications of consciousness. The human organism continues to reel under intermittent infrasonic assault for numerous reasons. After less than a five minute exposure to low intensity infrasound of 10 cycles per second, dizziness will last for hours. Infrasound of 12 cycles per second produces severe and long lasting nausea after a brief low intensity exposure.


Surf pounds the shore, producing shocks of 16 cycles per second, just short of the true infrasound range. Ocean waves which pound the atmosphere across huge ocean areas produce an acoustic energy with a mean pitch of 16 cycles per second. The phenomenon of the "barisal guns, fog guns, lake guns" form a well documented bibliography of anomalous acoustic phenomena. These "booming" anomalous tonal phenomena are not isolated to one area or nation. Every nation has accounts of these sea-related mystery sounds. Some regions call them "bay detonations", since they come as abruptly explosive intonations from certain bay areas.

Some of these tones manifest their shocking tones at haphazard intervals. But there are those water-related booms which are periodic, residents near these sites being accustomed to their mysterious occurrence. The strange "explosive" sounds come at certain times of the day, at certain times of the month, and at certain times of the year. There are certain other related anomalous natural tones which ring, hoot, and buzz. Some have been likened to organ tones, tuba blasts, and the deep intonings of very large bells. Bay sizes, wave sizes, and geologic compositions of bays and shores have been woven into complex mechanistic attempts at explaining how these mystery sounds are being generated in certain environments.

The detonation may be caused by a sudden "slapping" of bay water by a singular wave having the "right" breadth and momentum, matching the natural resonant pitch of a bay. The underlying bay rock matrix may resound in the manner of a bell, gong, or cymbal. The geological composition of the bay plays the greater part of the effect, sudden winds or water surges knocking the natural "sounding board". These natural bay tones have great infrasonic content.

The infrasonic outputs of the mystery tones are significant. Each of these phenomena produce a range of very low pitch tones. These booming sounds have rattled windows and rocked some small towns. Animals are startled by their inaudible precursors, and humans are often dizzied after their manifestation for hours. In several areas, people are hospitalized by the "boom" related illnesses.

Waterfalls are notorious generators of infrasound. Numerous susceptible visitors at Niagara experience a peculiar nausea which is not associated with the normal fear of heights. Thundering cataracts produce strong infrasonic shocks to which mile exposure stimulates the common malady. Lake ice and glacial ice produce deep booming sounds which ring for hours, behaving as large tympanic surfaces. The thunderous sounds associated with these occurrences produces infrasound of pitch related to ice surface mass, breadth, and length alone. Antarctic research experienced nausea in relation to ice related sounds.

Tidal waves and other sudden variations of water surfaces produce large magnitude "seiche" waves. These have been sighted by ocean going ships, where oceanic surfaces have drastically changed elevation in an incredibly short time. Ships "drop" into such huge ocean troughs and rise again after the wave passes. In dropping, some have crashed to the very rock bottom of their bays, only to be lifted in pieces when the wave resurged. Film footage of the great and horrid Alaskan Earthquake (1964) reveals this devastating sea "drop-out".

Upon such lethal seiche tides, even in the fortunate absence of earthquakes, comes nausea and other coastal related illnesses. Large intensity infrasonic sea shocks have their powerful effect on the overlying atmosphere of their regions. These infrasonic shockwaves travel for long distances. Certain bays are known for the high incidence of such illnesses, the result of resonant baywater "heavings" which occur daily. Their sickening effects are seemingly "stored up" in physiology, lasting for hours. While these phenomena proceed from deep in the heart of earth, and on its surface, there are phenomena which generate infrasonic sources . . . from space.


Aerial earthquake sounds have been reported by observers. Such rushing, thrumming sounds seem to come from "everywhere" above the affected locale. Typical of infrasound, the sources cannot be accurately located.

When Krakatoa exploded, barometers fluctuated rapidly in short time intervals. It was recognized that a new means for detecting earthquakes and other earth movements had been found. The horrifying destruction of Krakatoa prompted the emergence of a new science. The rapid development of sensitive barometric instruments provoked the discovery of a whole new "infrasonic world".

The opposing nations of the Cold War years used barometers and seismographs in determining the relative explosive yield of periodic underground atomic blasts. Sensitive barometric detection gradually began searching the atmosphere and earth for infrasonic "events". Mysterious and sudden barometric variations indicates that natural infrasonic generation has a much wider source than the subterranean earth. Infrasounds associated with the Aurora Borealis are too numerous to mention, a well chronicled occurrence.

The aurora Borealis is heard to "swish, crackle, sizzle, [61] and . . . thunder". Quantitative analysts "cannot understand" how these sounds can be "heard" but not recorded. It is obvious that certain auroral sounds stimulate physiological responses which will never register in biologically unmodified electronic systems. Though debates continue when referring to higher auroral tones, the "thunder" of the aurora stimulates aerial infrasounds which can be measured.

Low level auroras have been actually seen and felt. The sounds and odors associated with this rare phenomenon are unmistakable. In one instance a chemist was fortunate enough to have lived, after witnessing the effect of auroral grounding throughout his laboratory. The incredible luminescence produced in several platinocyanides, electro-phosphorescent chemicals, were duly noted and reported. Another such incident involved the grounding of the aurora into an elevated radio tower. The radio engineer suddenly heard a crackling sound "from everywhere", was unable to transmit any signal power, felt completely electrified, smelled ozone everywhere, and heard the "crackling" sound. Numerous witnesses who saw the event, describing the colored column of light which suffused the tower, feared he might have been killed by its power.

The auroral high pitched sizzling sounds are augmented by deep and ominous thrumming. These deep tones sweep through the bodies of listeners who are fortunate enough to survive the dangerous encounter. These permeations produce an irritability and a dizzying nausea. These sounds were always equated with evil by the Eskimo. Their legends of the aurora are always fear-filled. The trademark of anxiety and dread highly characteristic of infrasonic influence, their tales also recount the "taking" of souls by the "ground walking" aurora. English observers reported that the aurora actually "swept along the ground" like a column descending from the sky. It took a multicolored appearance all along its meandering path.

Blasting through interplanetary space, solar flares assault the earth with a barrage of stupendous proportion. Their disturbing effect on electrical systems is historically noted. The appearance of electrical power surges during solar flare events has amounted to many hundreds or even thousands of amperes line-induced current. Northern lands design their power systems to accommodate these periodic manifestations of great power. Oil lines in northern lands must be carefully grounded and insulated to prevent the continuous induction of such harmful electrical surges. Standing arcs of brilliant blue current had been observed upon the surface of loose pipe joints during solar flares and strong auroral episodes.

Few writers have discussed the intermittent effects of solar flares on atmospheric pressure. The sudden changes noted in air pressure, which cover many thousands of square miles, are obviously sourced in the solar wind. The effect of this natural atmospheric assault has defined and disturbing influence on both the weather and human behavioral patterns. Some 139 solar flares were recorded between 1980 and 1983. There is a statistical 155 day periodicity in solar flares, a rhythm often violated by several interstitial flares. Principally used for predicting their expectable effect on radio communications, specific military observers monitor solar flares with continued concern. Correlations of flares with jet stream behavior is strong.

Jet stream behavior, in its meanderings and undulations across vast geographic regions, is not mysterious when considering the intermittent effect of solar flares and the normal "background" [62] bursting of the solar wind. Traveling at thousands of miles per hour, flare pressures aperiodically barrage the neutral atmosphere. The explosive influence of vast power shocks the entire weather system, electrically active flare disturbances violently disrupting all atmospheric processes. The very obvious outlines of flare contacts with the atmosphere can be traced as major pressure changes on weather maps. Solar flare impacts strike the earth like a bell. Auroras result, and have been correlated with thunderstorm activities.

But continual minor background disruptions also exist, propelled by the sun. In its normal process, solar expulsions do not arrive at the atmospheric boundaries as a homogeneous pressure wave. The arrival of solar products comes as a pressure wave of inconsistent density. This intermittent barrage induces harmonic atmospheric disturbances which continually modify and chaoticize emerging weather patterns. The effect is exactly like "thrumming" an evenly sanded drumhead with innumerable impacts. This imprint of "background" pressure waves, rattling daily upon the atmosphere from solar winds, can be seen as "Chladni" patterns on weather maps.

Both solar flares and the normal thrummings of the solar wind generate infrasonic pulses throughout the atmosphere. The infrasonic shockwaves of the aurora are normally not heard, but definitely sensed. Measurements have registered a continual infrasonic background noise level. This pressure energy emanates "from above" atmospheric strata, radiating downward in large patterns. Atmospheric infrasound is most strongly measured during daytime hours, a clear indication of their source in the intermittent expulsions of solar wind. Atmospheric infrasounds arrive at measuring stations with pitch between .67 and 1.5 cycles per second. Their pitch continuously oscillates between .67 and .83 cycles per second. These solar sourced infrasonic impacts very definitely correlate with sudden swings in human behavior, having very obvious sociological implications. The energetic content of atmospheric infrasound represents a vast and untapped potential.


Infrasound moves, unaffected, through and across both winds and storms. But wind and storm can generate infrasound. The powerful harmonic rotations of storms shears the atmosphere, radiating a cyclonic series of expanding infrasounds. The sense of impending fear which proceeds hurricanes is due to infrasonic emissions. The infrasound of seasonal winds and weather patterns produces illness in certain persons. Some individuals can hear the jetstream and its thunderous pitch, peaking between 30 and 40 cycles per second. More and more populations are reporting the persistence of ultralow pitch sounds which render them weak and fatigued. Having often unexplained sources, we find the bibliography flooded with cases of persistent "atmospheric . . .and underground sounds".

Victims of such infrasonic assaults report severe stomach upsets associated with such infrasounds. Persons who report these persistent "underground" rumbles often live in a very localized region. These loci have been as small as six miles in diameter. Wind shear action between the rapid jet stream (.75 miles per second) and more quiescent lower air strata might continuously generate this persistent infrasound. Natural infrasonic generation is difficult to determine in all cases where it has been detected. Clashing winds may produce such sustained low pitches by misunderstood "shearing" actions, similar to Von Karrman vortices.

Wind shearing may be modified by local topology. Mountain ranges of specific geometry may offer the most plausible explanation for infrasound in certain areas. Their obstructive presence among regionally prevailing winds may produced sustained aerial vortices from which infrasounds continuously radiate.

Why however does the infrasound focus on certain ground points? Some theorists claim that wind enters caverns, producing an immense artificial whistle of infrasonic resonant pitch. Careful examinations of these caverns reveals infrasonic pitch of 20 to 30 cycles per second which does not "register" on tape recordings. Some have suggested that these infrasounds are only sensed in physiology, being "electrostatic" in nature. They also claim that the incidence of ground-focusing infrasound is an electrical manifestation, the result of emerging terrestrial charges in highly localized regions.

How does sustained infrasound affect man-made structures? Gusting wind has often applied such instantaneous pressure [63] to man-made artifice that strong rock walls fall flat in tiny pieces. These sudden events often occur when winds seemingly ceased for an instance. During that brief interval, windows are often blown through, and walls are toppled by infrasonic impulse.

What is the sustained influence of infrasound on humans and human behavior? Mysterious desert humming sounds fill the night of nomads with superstitious dread. Deep, buzzing, and threatening, these continuous humming tones have produced anxiety and fear among Bedouins for centuries. The "ghost wails" appear in the mythology and folktales of the desert people.

But these deep and virtually inaudible humming tones are not confined to the desert plains, where they thrash among themselves across sandy dunes. The Mistral, the northward winds of the African continent, sweeps over the southern Mediterranean coast lands during late fall. These familiar hot winds emerge from their desert journeys with a strange power, lasting throughout the winter. These winds leave an indelible trace among exposed communities, a phenomenon which has been misunderstood for centuries.

The Mistral, weak in infrasonic intensity, does not wreak havoc with material structures. But the Mistral works its permeating harm nonetheless. For the inhabitants of certain coastal areas, the low intensity infrasound of the Mistral brings with it a peculiar seasonal anxiety and depression. In certain locations across the Mediterranean coast land there are individuals who suffer from "seasonal nervous exhaustion" and other "neurophysical maladies". It is known that whenever the Mistral blows, there will be increased emotional tension, depression, and irritability. The Mistral, in numerous cases, has produced fatalities.

Infrasound travels long distances, often exceeding one thousand miles, with virtually no attenuation. Its pressures thus arrive at great distances with the same force and intensity as when generated. A deadly pressure. The atmosphere sustains prolonged and powerful infrasonic vibrations. How natural conditions can systematically modify human behavior for protracted seasonal periods is frightening. How natural conditions can systematically modify large-scale social behavior for protracted seasonal periods is equally frightening. Not much acoustic power is required for infrasound to produce such extreme and sustained physiological symptoms.

Fohn winds are dry and warm southerly winds which traverse the Alpine regions of Europe. Fohn weather is characterized by clear skies, high visibility, and dry atmosphere. Studies of "Fohn weather" and the Mistral alike have revealed some intriguing and frightening statistical correlations. The biological effects of both Mistral and Fohn weather have been well documented. These include extreme irritability, accident-prone loss of objective judgement, slight disorientation, mild nausea, and diarrhea.

It is an established fact that sustained low intensity infrasound alters human behavior and health. Higher accident rates are correlated with pre-Fohn weather onset. This high accident rate rises until the establishment of Fohn weather, having been attributed to the infrasonic content of the winds.


Vibrating man-made structures stimulate the artificial generation of dangerous infrasound. When turns are made at 60 miles per hour, car chassis vibrations produce a peak infrasonic emission. Travel sickness can be associated with prolonged infrasonic exposure to any vibrating chassis. Cars, buses, trains, motorcycles, and jets alike each register hazardous intensities of infrasound. Each transportation mode has its characteristic infrasonic pitch, the necessary outcome of mechanical frictions and inertial resistances.

There is difficulty in recording and reproducing ultra deep tones for study and analysis. They have to be generated on site for experimental purposes. Theater-sized sound systems can never completely transmit all of the sensations associated with naturally occurring infrasound. But there have been instances where audiences have become frighteningly ill because of the accidental generation of infrasound in a theater space.

Of critical importance is the comprehension of human tolerances to infrasound. Military medical teams have long studied the effect of machine vibration on human judgement and behavior out of necessity. If jet pilots and rocket pilots alike evidence even minor errors in judgement through their exposure to infrasound, disaster can result. Certain critical errors in judgement and accuracy have in fact been noted during short flight times.

The powerful infrasonic vibrations of jet chassis absolutely saturate the bodies of pilots. Continually saturated with these infrasonic energies throughout their flight time, pilot reflexes are severely diminished. Military procedure recognizes this factor, and routinely limits flight time. It is known that excess infrasonic exposures endanger pilots and their flight missions. Pilot damaging effects include decrements in vision, speech, intelligence, orientation, equilibrium, ability to accurately discern situations, and make reasonable decisions.


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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by whisperer ned ruj 14, 2014 12:44 am

Ukoliko utipkamo u tražilicu pojam "Nikola Tesla", možemo primjetiti da je Tesla bio a) Hrvat b) Srbin c) Mađar, pa čak i d) Slovenac! Ako prolistamo tko je sve publicirao tekstove o njegovoj biografiji, lako je saznati i pod kojim slovom se sam autor rodoslovno opredjeljuje. Budući da je lik već u ono davno njegovo doba predvidio mobitele, brze internete, neutrine, pretpostavljam da mu je bilo svejedno tko ga je uopće rodio. Nije li jednostavnije zaokružiti priču i zaključiti da je isti pao s Marsa ravno u Gospić. Sada vidim da je veliki problem u (H)rvata je li Čilić Hrvat, Bosanac ili Hercegovac, a budući da hercegovačko podneblje ima čak tri predsjednika, dvadesetak vlada i sto ministara, najbolje je čovjeka presjeć' po šest dijelova da svakom pomalo pripada uz dodatak da je ipak negdje i muslimanske vjeroispovjesti. Jer koliko ja shvaćam Musliman ne možeš biti po nacionalnosti, ali zgodno zvuči. Tip će vjerojatno svu lovu ostaviti negdje u Monacu, tako da ne znam oko čega se zapravo raspravlja. Kakva država! Osuđeni smo na propast i to ti je.

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Postaj by Buffy ned ruj 14, 2014 10:14 am

whisperer je napisao/la: Nije li jednostavnije zaokružiti priču i zaključiti da je isti pao s Marsa ravno u Gospić.
Jest Grin
Ili s neke druge planete Happy

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Postaj by besposlenpop ned ruj 14, 2014 12:37 pm

Buffy je napisao/la:
whisperer je napisao/la: Nije li jednostavnije zaokružiti priču i zaključiti da je isti pao s Marsa ravno u Gospić.
Jest Grin
Ili s neke druge planete Happy
Sa beogradskog aerodroma.  Cool

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Postaj by Gost ned ruj 14, 2014 5:56 pm

Esco, može još par linkova o infrazvuku i njegovom utjecaju na nas?


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Postaj by Gost ned ruj 14, 2014 7:49 pm

whisperer je napisao/la:Ukoliko utipkamo u tražilicu pojam "Nikola Tesla", možemo primjetiti da je Tesla bio a) Hrvat b) Srbin c) Mađar, pa čak i d) Slovenac! Ako prolistamo tko je sve publicirao tekstove o njegovoj biografiji, lako je saznati i pod kojim slovom se sam autor rodoslovno opredjeljuje. Budući da je lik već u ono davno njegovo doba predvidio mobitele, brze internete, neutrine, pretpostavljam da mu je bilo svejedno tko ga je uopće rodio. Nije li jednostavnije zaokružiti priču i zaključiti da je isti pao s Marsa ravno u Gospić. Sada vidim da je veliki problem u (H)rvata je li Čilić Hrvat, Bosanac ili Hercegovac, a budući da hercegovačko podneblje ima čak tri predsjednika, dvadesetak vlada i sto ministara, najbolje je čovjeka presjeć' po šest dijelova da svakom pomalo pripada uz dodatak da je ipak negdje i muslimanske vjeroispovjesti. Jer koliko ja shvaćam Musliman ne možeš biti po nacionalnosti, ali zgodno zvuči. Tip će vjerojatno svu lovu ostaviti negdje u Monacu, tako da ne znam oko čega se zapravo raspravlja. Kakva država! Osuđeni smo na propast i to ti je.
interesantno kak se nekog uspješnog svojata a neuspješnog odriče, glavno da nije naš .
Penezi se spremaju tam di su bolji uvjeti, nema tu domoljublja i rodoljublja


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Tijek misli .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Tijek misli ..

Postaj by whisperer uto ruj 16, 2014 11:01 am

Buffy je napisao/la:

Ili s neke druge planete Happy

Da, druga bi ga za njega bila primjerenija. Happy

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Postaj by whisperer uto ruj 16, 2014 11:16 am

dromsin je napisao/la:
interesantno kak se nekog uspješnog svojata a neuspješnog odriče, glavno da nije naš .
Penezi se spremaju tam di su bolji uvjeti, nema tu domoljublja i rodoljublja

Josip Horvat se u svom "Hrvatskom panoptikumu" fino osvrnuo na problem iz 1914 i obradio "hrvatsku inteligenciju" kao socijalni fenomen koji vrijedi i za 2014 godinu. Veli Joža da su nam životi promašeni  poput Lenormandove "Les rates". Oduvijek smo igrali rolu građanstva, ali bez ikakve građanske baze. Živjeli smo skučeno, siromašno i u zavisnosti od drugih. S pretenzijama na standard građanskog života zatajili kao duhovna elita. Hrvatska je čak i stekla razinu europske kulture i pokušavala živjeti tim mjerilima u zoni gdje je to bilo anakronizam. Citirat ću Jožu: Jalovo je bilo živjeti mentalitetom i težnjama Pariza, Beča ili Rima u narodu s 80 posto analfabeta, gdje su u svakom drugom čovjeku drijemali atavizmi krvne osvete, gdje su europske tekovine bile i tuđe i još nepotrebne...(...)

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Postaj by Gost ned ruj 21, 2014 12:52 pm

Bas je lijepa... Metalci znaju napraviti tako dobre pjesme.


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Postaj by whisperer čet ruj 25, 2014 11:06 am

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