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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Tomica uto lip 30, 2020 12:00 pm

whisperer je napisao/la:

Ok, krenut ću večeras sa Dark. Happy

Jesi uspjela sta vidjet'? Happy Bit ce malo komplicirano upamtit' likove i povezati ih kroz razlicita vremenska razdoblja. Happy

Posts : 1260
Join date : 19.07.2018

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Tomica uto lip 30, 2020 12:10 pm

Gnječ je napisao/la:
Tomica je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:
Tomica je napisao/la:Danas su nam se Rijekom rasprsili Hodaci. Ali ne oni nadahnuti Kamovom, vec zderaci piladi i janjadi i ratnici za opstanak svake (ljudske) zigote. Najveca Hodacica medju njima (mislim da je organizatorica) vrlo je strastveno pojasnjavala kako je silovatelj samo pocinio kazneno djelo, no silovana MAJKA, (dakle, namjerno je istaknula  rijec "majka", umjesto " zena", ne bi li sve to dodatno melodramatski otezala) ako se odluci na prekid trudnoce - ona je ubojica.

Organizatorica je mlada zena, vjerojatno fakultetski obrazovana.

Slusala sam i gledala Vijesti u blizini vremesnijih gospodja, neke od njih nisu fakultetski obrazovane. Vrtjele su glavom u nevjerici i upitno pogledavale u mojem smjeru. Mozda su pomislile da i sama dijelim njezina razmisljanja. Zacrvenih se.

eto žena je spizdila na možjane ima nekih problema sama sa sobom, okolinom, svojom obitelji nebitno sa kime pa da ne poludi i završi na neznam čemu uhvatila se jednog stabilnog podatka koga su joj implantirali psihopate iz Opus Dei i toga se podatka (koji je totalna budalaština i izmišljotina laž ) fanatično drži ko pijan plota i gazi sve oko sebe. na drugom topicu sam objasnio u kratko kako to funkcionira. nažalost takvih u er-ha ima svakim danom sve više.

Ma njihov citav argument o tome da ljudski zivot zapocinje zacecem iz cega se odmah zakljucuje da je zigota dijete u pocetnoj fazi (pa time odmah izjednacavaju pobacaj s ubojstvom - cak i ne uzimaju u obzir faze razvoja ploda) meni je obican slippery slope u svoj svojoj nakaznosti logickih "igrarija".

Da ne spominjem manipuliranje rijecima.

Zigota - dijete u pocetnoj fazi


Woow.. Happy

sa luđacima iz pro-life je ikakva razumna debata i argument nemoguća misija. i taj njihov bog baš nije pro-life čim ljudi umiru na sve moguće načine. da je njihov bog pro-life ljudi bi vječno živjeli. kad počinje život? svaki odgovor je slippery slope...The slippery slope argument says that if you cannot draw a clear cut-off line in the development of the fetus into a person, you have to accept that the fetus is a person....oni tvrde da život počinje prije života. život prije života.

nekom život počinje kad završi radno vrijeme, nekom život počinje ujutro, nekom navečer, nekom život počinje kad naruči kriglu piva...itd...

ali kako su lukavo prigrabili naziv pro-life iz jednog sasvim drugog konteksta i sve iskvarili. ali mislim da im ta borba protiv abortusa nije cilj nego sredstvo a cilj im je nešto mnogo morbidnije ali to oni ne žele javno reći.

Alexander Sutherland Neill (17 October 1883 – 23 September 1973) was a Scottish educator and author known for his school, Summerhill, and its philosophy of freedom from adult coercion and its community self-governance. Raised in Scotland, Neill taught at several schools before attending the University of Edinburgh in 1908–1912. He took two jobs in journalism before World War I, and taught at Gretna Green Village School in the first year of the war, writing his first book, A Dominie's Log (1915), as a diary of his life there as head teacher. He joined a Dresden school in 1921 and founded Summerhill on returning to England in 1924. Summerhill gained renown in the 1920s–1930s and then in the 1960s–1970s, due to progressive and counter-culture interest. Neill wrote 20 books. His top seller was the 1960 Summerhill, read widely in the free school movement in the 1960s onwards.

Philosophy of Summerhill School

Neill felt that children (and human nature) were innately good, and that children naturally became just and virtuous when allowed to grow without adult imposition of morality.[25] Children did not need to be coaxed or goaded into desirable behaviour, as their natural state was satisfactory and their natural inclinations "in no way immoral".[26] If left alone, children would become self-regulating, reasonable and ethical adults.[27] Together with Homer Lane, Neill supported personal freedoms for children to live as they please without adult interference, and called this position "on the side of the child".[25] Neill's practice can be summarised as providing children with space, time, and empowerment for personal exploration and with freedom from adult fear and coercion.[28]

The aim of life, to Neill, was "to find happiness, which means to find interest."[29] Likewise, the purpose of Neill's education was to be happy and interested in life,[30] and children needed complete freedom to find their interests.[29] Neill considered happiness an innate characteristic that deteriorated if children were denied personal freedom. Such unhappiness led to repressed and psychologically disordered adults.[30] He blamed a "sick and unhappy" society for widespread unhappiness.[31] Neill claimed that society harboured fears of life, children and emotions that were continually bequeathed to the next generation. He felt that children turned to self-hate and internal hostility when denied an outlet for expression in adult systems of emotional regulation and manipulation. Likewise, children taught to withhold their sexuality would see such feelings negatively, which would fuel disdain for self. Neill thought that calls for obedience quenched the natural needs of children. Moreover, their needs could not be fulfilled by adults or a society that simultaneously prolonged their unhappiness, although perhaps a school like Summerhill could help.[24]


But it was well before 1980 that the movement to stop abortion made one of the smartest moves in the history of cause branding: labeling themselves “pro-life.”

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term “pro-life” was first introduced to modern language in 1960 by A. S. Neill in his book Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Childrearing (p.138), which promoted progressive parenting and citizen attitudes. Neill wrote, “no pro-life citizen would tolerate our penal code, our hangings, our punishments of homosexuals, our attitude towards bastardy.”

By the late 1960s, anti-abortion started to latch on to the “life” framing: the Right to Life League was founded in 1967 in California and the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life was launched in 1968. But it didn’t quite mean what it does today; in progressive circles at the time, you could be “pro-life” by being both anti-abortion and anti-war. “To be pro-life you have to be for all life,” said Sue Bastyr, a 21-year-old student from the University of Minnesota, to the Chicago Tribune in 1971.

Then, in Jan. 1973, the Supreme Court wrote the landmark Roe v. Wade decision declaring American women have the right to choose to have an abortion.  In response, anti-abortion groups began to mobilize rapidly. Part of their move towards organizing was deciding on what to call themselves; “pro-life” was chosen by movement leaders to put forth a positive image. The same month Roe v. Wade was decided, the first iteration of the Human Life Amendment, a proposed constitutional amendment to outlaw abortions, was introduced in congress.

It was a marketing masterstroke: the word “life” has been linked to the opposition of abortion since, and being “pro-life” has come to mean specifically opposing abortion—and not, for instance, opposing war or the death penalty. The success of the label is largely due to its ability to frame the issue not as standing against something (a woman’s choice) but in favor of it (life).

It has been so successful, in fact, that the opposition party was forced to adapt directly to it: the label “pro-choice” was created specifically to counter “pro-life.”,progressive%20parenting%20and%20citizen%20attitudes.

a ova pro-life rječanka je vjerojatno-možda? neki rodni izdanak ove loze pa se mora dokazivat:

Poznati su mi principi summerhillske skole, iako u vrijeme proucavanja alternativnog skolstva, ona me se nekako najmanje dojmila. Cinila mi se suvise idealistickom i ne bas u skladu sa spoznajama ljudske naravi. Danas bih je malo drugacije ocijenila.

Rekla bih da je Aben njen poklonik, iako nesvjestan mozda. U skladu je s njegovim libertarijanskim navadama. Happy

Nisam znala da "pro-life" krilatica vuce korijene od Neilla. Hvala. Happy

Posts : 1260
Join date : 19.07.2018

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Tomica uto lip 30, 2020 12:15 pm

Gnječ je napisao/la:
Tomica je napisao/la:E da, Gnjec, znam da si pogledao prvu sezonu Darka, ja prije tjedan dana iznenada odlucim podruziti se s drugom sezonom i otkrijem da su upravo izbacili trecu i posljednju. Happy Jeej!

Whisp, ala. Happy Ako nisi, nema izlike vise.

Ima jos jedna koja mi je odlicno "sjela". The OA. Happy

Necu uvoditi ni u jednu od njih...


evo sad stigoh doma potražit ću sigurno pogledam...  ja inače gledam filmove preko jednog servera iz Sibira u Rusiji i utipkam "dark" u njihovu tražilicu i izbaci mi 40 plus stranica po 40 filmova i serija po stranici sve sa dark u naslovu.  trebat će mi malo vremena dok izlistam i nađem.

evo linka iz Sibira ima bezbroj filmova i serija ali bez titlova


A gdje si ti otis'o, hebemmu!? Laugh

Taj tvoj modem 's prozora' prima i signale iz drugih galaksija. A i moj je drekic i dalje "ziv". Happy Stedim ga max. Happy

Posts : 1260
Join date : 19.07.2018

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Gnječ i tvornica čokolade uto lip 30, 2020 6:13 pm

Tomica je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:
Tomica je napisao/la:E da, Gnjec, znam da si pogledao prvu sezonu Darka, ja prije tjedan dana iznenada odlucim podruziti se s drugom sezonom i otkrijem da su upravo izbacili trecu i posljednju. Happy Jeej!

Whisp, ala. Happy Ako nisi, nema izlike vise.

Ima jos jedna koja mi je odlicno "sjela". The OA. Happy

Necu uvoditi ni u jednu od njih...


evo sad stigoh doma potražit ću sigurno pogledam...  ja inače gledam filmove preko jednog servera iz Sibira u Rusiji i utipkam "dark" u njihovu tražilicu i izbaci mi 40 plus stranica po 40 filmova i serija po stranici sve sa dark u naslovu.  trebat će mi malo vremena dok izlistam i nađem.

evo linka iz Sibira ima bezbroj filmova i serija ali bez titlova


A gdje si ti otis'o, hebemmu!? Laugh

Taj tvoj modem 's prozora' prima i signale iz drugih galaksija. A i moj je drekic i dalje "ziv". Happy Stedim ga max. Happy

svuda sam ne bu mene niko jebal. ljudi još neznaju ili žive u denial ali internet je postao cenzuriran. google je postao jedno veliko oko big brother koji plasira podatke i web stranice selektivno a ostale podatke i web stranice cenzurira ovisno tko gdje ima lokaciju. "nepodobne" podatke i web stranice uopće ne indeksira tako a ih je nemoguće naći u tražilici. ali nakon malo mozganja ja sam doskočio tom terorizmu i zajebao sistem tako da sam svuda i vidim sve moja je lokacija nepoznata.
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade

Posts : 1635
Join date : 13.12.2019

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Gnječ i tvornica čokolade uto lip 30, 2020 6:29 pm

Tomica je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:
Tomica je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:

eto žena je spizdila na možjane ima nekih problema sama sa sobom, okolinom, svojom obitelji nebitno sa kime pa da ne poludi i završi na neznam čemu uhvatila se jednog stabilnog podatka koga su joj implantirali psihopate iz Opus Dei i toga se podatka (koji je totalna budalaština i izmišljotina laž ) fanatično drži ko pijan plota i gazi sve oko sebe. na drugom topicu sam objasnio u kratko kako to funkcionira. nažalost takvih u er-ha ima svakim danom sve više.

Ma njihov citav argument o tome da ljudski zivot zapocinje zacecem iz cega se odmah zakljucuje da je zigota dijete u pocetnoj fazi (pa time odmah izjednacavaju pobacaj s ubojstvom - cak i ne uzimaju u obzir faze razvoja ploda) meni je obican slippery slope u svoj svojoj nakaznosti logickih "igrarija".

Da ne spominjem manipuliranje rijecima.

Zigota - dijete u pocetnoj fazi


Woow.. Happy

sa luđacima iz pro-life je ikakva razumna debata i argument nemoguća misija. i taj njihov bog baš nije pro-life čim ljudi umiru na sve moguće načine. da je njihov bog pro-life ljudi bi vječno živjeli. kad počinje život? svaki odgovor je slippery slope...The slippery slope argument says that if you cannot draw a clear cut-off line in the development of the fetus into a person, you have to accept that the fetus is a person....oni tvrde da život počinje prije života. život prije života.

nekom život počinje kad završi radno vrijeme, nekom život počinje ujutro, nekom navečer, nekom život počinje kad naruči kriglu piva...itd...

ali kako su lukavo prigrabili naziv pro-life iz jednog sasvim drugog konteksta i sve iskvarili. ali mislim da im ta borba protiv abortusa nije cilj nego sredstvo a cilj im je nešto mnogo morbidnije ali to oni ne žele javno reći.

Alexander Sutherland Neill (17 October 1883 – 23 September 1973) was a Scottish educator and author known for his school, Summerhill, and its philosophy of freedom from adult coercion and its community self-governance. Raised in Scotland, Neill taught at several schools before attending the University of Edinburgh in 1908–1912. He took two jobs in journalism before World War I, and taught at Gretna Green Village School in the first year of the war, writing his first book, A Dominie's Log (1915), as a diary of his life there as head teacher. He joined a Dresden school in 1921 and founded Summerhill on returning to England in 1924. Summerhill gained renown in the 1920s–1930s and then in the 1960s–1970s, due to progressive and counter-culture interest. Neill wrote 20 books. His top seller was the 1960 Summerhill, read widely in the free school movement in the 1960s onwards.

Philosophy of Summerhill School

Neill felt that children (and human nature) were innately good, and that children naturally became just and virtuous when allowed to grow without adult imposition of morality.[25] Children did not need to be coaxed or goaded into desirable behaviour, as their natural state was satisfactory and their natural inclinations "in no way immoral".[26] If left alone, children would become self-regulating, reasonable and ethical adults.[27] Together with Homer Lane, Neill supported personal freedoms for children to live as they please without adult interference, and called this position "on the side of the child".[25] Neill's practice can be summarised as providing children with space, time, and empowerment for personal exploration and with freedom from adult fear and coercion.[28]

The aim of life, to Neill, was "to find happiness, which means to find interest."[29] Likewise, the purpose of Neill's education was to be happy and interested in life,[30] and children needed complete freedom to find their interests.[29] Neill considered happiness an innate characteristic that deteriorated if children were denied personal freedom. Such unhappiness led to repressed and psychologically disordered adults.[30] He blamed a "sick and unhappy" society for widespread unhappiness.[31] Neill claimed that society harboured fears of life, children and emotions that were continually bequeathed to the next generation. He felt that children turned to self-hate and internal hostility when denied an outlet for expression in adult systems of emotional regulation and manipulation. Likewise, children taught to withhold their sexuality would see such feelings negatively, which would fuel disdain for self. Neill thought that calls for obedience quenched the natural needs of children. Moreover, their needs could not be fulfilled by adults or a society that simultaneously prolonged their unhappiness, although perhaps a school like Summerhill could help.[24]


But it was well before 1980 that the movement to stop abortion made one of the smartest moves in the history of cause branding: labeling themselves “pro-life.”

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term “pro-life” was first introduced to modern language in 1960 by A. S. Neill in his book Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Childrearing (p.138), which promoted progressive parenting and citizen attitudes. Neill wrote, “no pro-life citizen would tolerate our penal code, our hangings, our punishments of homosexuals, our attitude towards bastardy.”

By the late 1960s, anti-abortion started to latch on to the “life” framing: the Right to Life League was founded in 1967 in California and the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life was launched in 1968. But it didn’t quite mean what it does today; in progressive circles at the time, you could be “pro-life” by being both anti-abortion and anti-war. “To be pro-life you have to be for all life,” said Sue Bastyr, a 21-year-old student from the University of Minnesota, to the Chicago Tribune in 1971.

Then, in Jan. 1973, the Supreme Court wrote the landmark Roe v. Wade decision declaring American women have the right to choose to have an abortion.  In response, anti-abortion groups began to mobilize rapidly. Part of their move towards organizing was deciding on what to call themselves; “pro-life” was chosen by movement leaders to put forth a positive image. The same month Roe v. Wade was decided, the first iteration of the Human Life Amendment, a proposed constitutional amendment to outlaw abortions, was introduced in congress.

It was a marketing masterstroke: the word “life” has been linked to the opposition of abortion since, and being “pro-life” has come to mean specifically opposing abortion—and not, for instance, opposing war or the death penalty. The success of the label is largely due to its ability to frame the issue not as standing against something (a woman’s choice) but in favor of it (life).

It has been so successful, in fact, that the opposition party was forced to adapt directly to it: the label “pro-choice” was created specifically to counter “pro-life.”,progressive%20parenting%20and%20citizen%20attitudes.

a ova pro-life rječanka je vjerojatno-možda? neki rodni izdanak ove loze pa se mora dokazivat:

Poznati su mi principi summerhillske skole, iako u vrijeme proucavanja alternativnog skolstva, ona me se nekako najmanje dojmila. Cinila mi se suvise idealistickom i ne bas u skladu sa spoznajama ljudske naravi. Danas bih je malo drugacije ocijenila.

Rekla bih da je Aben njen poklonik, iako nesvjestan mozda. U skladu je s njegovim libertarijanskim navadama. Happy

Nisam znala da "pro-life" krilatica vuce korijene od Neilla. Hvala. Happy

da, sjetila si me nečega u svezi summerhill škole. recimo znam po kojoj metodi sam ja učio išao sam u jednu eksperimentalnu školu imali smo prave kabinete za sve predmete kao na fakultetu takvo nešto nisu imali ni u najrazvijenijim zemljama zapada u školama. mi smo učili i radili po Célestin Freinet pedagogiji i škola je bila među prvima u Freinetovom pokretu Modern School Movement or Mouvement de l'École Moderne. imali smo top-notch profesore i nevjerojatno opremljene kabinete za fiziku, biologiju, povijest, matematiku, kemiju itd. mislim da je malo škola u svijetu bilo tako vrhunski opremljeno i vođeno visoko stručnim kadrovima profesorima i pedagozima.

Concepts of Freinet's pedagogy

Pedagogy of work (pédagogie du travail): pupils were encouraged to learn by making products or providing services.

Enquiry-based learning (tâtonnement expérimental): group-based trial and error work.

Cooperative learning (travail coopératif): pupils were to co-operate in the production process.

Centres of interest (complexe d'intérêt): the children's interests and natural curiosity are starting points for a learning process

The natural method (méthode naturelle): authentic learning by using real experiences of children.

Democracy: children learn to take responsibility for their own work and for the whole community by using democratic self-government.


The constants cited below are only a part, a sort of summary of the pedagogical work of Celestin Freinet.

The child is of the same nature as us [adults].

Being bigger does not necessarily mean being above others.

A child's academic behavior is a function of his constitution, health, and physiological state.

No one - neither the child nor the adult - likes to be commanded by authority.

No one likes to align oneself, because to align oneself is to obey passively an external order.

No one likes to be forced to do a certain job, even if this work does not displease him or her particularly. It is being forced that is paralyzing.

Everyone likes to choose their job, even if this choice is not advantageous.

No one likes to move mindlessly, to act like a robot, that is to do acts, to bend to thoughts that are prescribed in mechanisms in which he does not participate.

We [the teachers] need to motivate the work.

No more scholasticism.

Everyone wants to succeed. Failure is inhibitory, destructive of progress and enthusiasm.

It is not games that are natural to the child, but work.

The normal path of [knowledge] acquisition is not observation, explanation and demonstration, the essential process of the School, but experimental trial and error, a natural and universal process.

Memorization, which the School deals with in so many cases, is applicable and valuable only when it is truly in service of life.

[Knowledge] acquisition does not take place as one sometimes believes, by the study of rules and laws, but by experience. To study these rules and laws in [language], in art, in mathematics, in science, is to place the cart before the horse.

Intelligence is not, as scholasticism teaches, a specific faculty functioning as a closed circuit, independent of the other vital elements of the individual.

The School only cultivates an abstract form of intelligence, which operates outside living reality, by means of words and ideas implanted by memorization.

The child does not like to listen to an ex cathedra lesson.

The child does not tire of doing work that is in line with his life, work which is, so to speak, functional for him.

No one, neither child nor adult, likes control and punishment, which is always considered an attack on one's dignity, especially when exercised in public.

Grades and rankings are always a mistake.

Speak as little as possible.

The child does not like the work of a herd to which the individual has to fold like a robot. He loves individual work or teamwork in a cooperative community.

Order and discipline are needed in class.

Punishments are always a mistake. They are humiliating for all and never achieve the desired goal. They are at best a last resort.

The new life of the School presupposes school cooperation, that is, the management by its users, including the educator, of life and school work.

Class overcrowding is always a pedagogical error.

The current design of large school complexes results in the anonymity of teachers and pupils; It is, therefore, always an error and a hindrance.

The democracy of tomorrow is being prepared by democracy at the School. An authoritarian regime at the School cannot be formative of democratic citizens.

One can only educate in dignity. Respecting children, who must respect their masters, is one of the first conditions for the redemption of the School.

The opposition of the pedagogical reaction, an element of the social and political reaction, is also a constant, with whom we shall have, alas! to reckon unless we are able to avoid or correct it ourselves.

There is also a constant that justifies all our trial and error and authenticates our action: it is the optimistic hope in life.élestin_Freinet

Gnječ i tvornica čokolade
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade

Posts : 1635
Join date : 13.12.2019

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by whisperer sri srp 01, 2020 1:33 am

Tomica je napisao/la:
whisperer je napisao/la:

Ok, krenut ću večeras sa Dark. Happy

Jesi uspjela sta vidjet'? Happy Bit ce malo komplicirano upamtit' likove i povezati ih kroz razlicita vremenska razdoblja. Happy

Čim sam otvorila prvu epizodu, skužila sam da sam pogledala 1 sezonu. Skroz sam posenilila i zaboravila na ono iščekivanje druge sezone. Happy
Dan mi je bio hopa cupa sa jedne na drugu stranu, pa sam baš malo poumorna... ali mi vas je drago vidjeti, čitamo se.
Pusa vam :*

Posts : 1977
Join date : 01.06.2014
Location : Luna Malekova

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by whisperer sri srp 01, 2020 1:35 am

E, da, ljudi... je l ovo još uvijek moj forum? : )))

Posts : 1977
Join date : 01.06.2014
Location : Luna Malekova

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Gnječ i tvornica čokolade sri srp 01, 2020 1:51 am

whisperer je napisao/la:E, da, ljudi... je l ovo još uvijek moj forum? : )))

tvoj je da nego čiji bi bio? tvoj je do sudnjeg dana, ja ovdje samo pišem bolje da tu napišem dve normalne rečenice nego da gubim vrijeme i živce sa bulumentom psihopata freakova na kicovom forumu koji tu bulumentu debila drži jer po njegovoj teoriji daju dinamiku forumu. to što su svi normalni pobjegli zbog te ekipe freakova dinamičara njega ne briga.
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade

Posts : 1635
Join date : 13.12.2019

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Gnječ i tvornica čokolade sri srp 01, 2020 2:26 am

Poruke za ONE TAMO...
blitva wrote:
Samo da porucim onom istarskom govedu da je alpska stetocina u njegovom gradu cijeli slijedeci mjesec (a mozda i dva) i da bi skrta jarcina mogao konacno platiti neko pivo. Pa makar i mlako Poruke za ONE TAMO...


djizs....zato je tako pakleno vruće... može i dva piva a mogla bi i vode navratit da se dogovorimo di i kada. ja po danu ne pijem pivo niti mi se vrluda po suncu rimskim ulicama može jedino navečer. ja sam u Viale XX settembre tako se zvala ulica u doba talijanske monarhije.
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Gnječ i tvornica čokolade sri srp 01, 2020 2:51 am

kaže Lasta:

Ja se paukova uzasno bojim. I stonoga i bakula i skarica. Buba svaba manje a buba zlatica ne.


hm...znači bakula se boji a buba švaba ne. to je fenomen. znači kad je u talijanskom dijelu della citta di Fiume užasno se boji bakula ali čim pređe na Sušak ili most na Rječini i uđe u Kraljevinu Jugoslaviju buba švaba se ne boji.

inače su bakuli i buba-švabe naziv za istog nametnika insekta žohara.
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by *madonna* sri srp 01, 2020 6:51 am

whisperer je napisao/la:
Tomica je napisao/la:
whisperer je napisao/la:

Ok, krenut ću večeras sa Dark. Happy

Jesi uspjela sta vidjet'? Happy Bit ce malo komplicirano upamtit' likove i povezati ih kroz razlicita vremenska razdoblja. Happy

Čim sam otvorila prvu epizodu, skužila sam da sam pogledala 1 sezonu. Skroz sam posenilila i zaboravila na ono iščekivanje druge sezone. Happy
Dan mi je bio hopa cupa sa jedne na drugu stranu, pa sam baš malo poumorna... ali mi vas je drago vidjeti, čitamo se.
Pusa vam :*
Nestrpljivo cekam 30.9. , Pocinju sa 4. Sezonom STRANGER THINGS.
Dakle Dark moze popuniti ovu prazninu u srcu ?

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by *madonna* sri srp 01, 2020 6:58 am

Esko, buba svaba i bakul nije isto.
Bakul je zohar. A buba svaba je ona oklopna buba sto se pretvori u lopticu.

Medjutim, strucnjaci su rekli kako cak bakul  i zohar nije isto. Jedan je veći a jedan manji, i tako ... To su sad znanstvene nijanse.

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Gnječ i tvornica čokolade sri srp 01, 2020 10:15 am

*madonna* je napisao/la:Esko, buba svaba i bakul nije isto.
Bakul je zohar. A buba svaba je ona oklopna buba sto se pretvori u lopticu.

Medjutim, strucnjaci su rekli kako cak bakul  i zohar nije isto. Jedan je veći a jedan manji, i tako ... To su sad znanstvene nijanse.

bakul je žohar isto kao i buba-švaba. to su nazivi za istog kukca. ono što se sklupča u lopticu nije buba-švaba nego se zove porcellino neznam kako to Ukrasne figurice zovu ja ga zovem praščić. i taj sklupčani praščić ne spada u porodicu kukaca nego u porodicu rakova, to je jedini rak koji živi na kopnu dok svi ostali rakovi žive u vodi morskoj ili slatkoj. taj praščić ti je isto što i jastog, kozica, rakovica i ostali rakovi. ima još jedna vrsta jako slična po izgledu ali to je centipede stonoga ona sa oklopom pa se isto sklupča kad osjeti opasnost. tih stonoga ima dužih i kraćih ova kraća je izgledom ista kao račić-praščić tj. porcellio scaber, Armadillidium vulgare .

a ovaj sličan ovom račiću samo je millepiedi Glomeris marginata

a buba švaba tj. žohar je dobio ime ovako:

Riječ buba-švaba sigurno nije niti "najknjiževnija" riječ niti ćete je upotrijebiti u stručnom članku (osim možda u jezičnom), pa ipak, skoro svi na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije dobro znamo na što se misli kada se kaže buba-švaba.
Ali zašto?
Latinski naziv za vrstu žohara najčešću na ovim prostorima je "Blattella germanica", pri čemu je germanica - pridjev "njemačka", jer se krivo mislilo da vrsta potječe iz Njemačke. Englezi tu konkretnu vrstu zovu "njemački žohari", a u Njemačkoj ih zovu ruski žohari.
No da ne skrenemo previše s teme, Švapska (Schwaben) je pokrajina u Njemačkoj koju dijele Bavarska i Baden-Württemberg, a Švabe su bili Nijemci koji su se selili širom središnje i istočne Europe, te su tako ne samo kod nas nego u drugim krajevima uz Dunav postali sinonimom za Nijemce još prije vremena ujedinjenja, odn. prije nego što smo počeli sve Nijemce zvati - Nijemcima.
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by besposlenpop sri srp 01, 2020 11:38 am

whisperer je napisao/la:E, da, ljudi... je l ovo još uvijek moj forum? : )))
Pa jelije?  Cool

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by besposlenpop sri srp 01, 2020 11:44 am

Gnječ je napisao/la:Poruke za ONE TAMO...
blitva wrote:
Samo da porucim onom istarskom govedu da je alpska stetocina u njegovom gradu cijeli slijedeci mjesec (a mozda i dva) i da bi skrta jarcina mogao konacno platiti neko pivo. Pa makar i mlako   Poruke za ONE TAMO...


djizs....zato je tako pakleno vruće... može i dva piva a mogla bi i vode navratit da se dogovorimo di i kada. ja po danu ne pijem pivo niti mi se vrluda po suncu rimskim ulicama može jedino navečer. ja sam u Viale XX settembre tako se zvala ulica u doba talijanske monarhije.
Moraćemo otvorit tajnu themu i/ili comunicirat u šiframa.  teet

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by whisperer pon srp 06, 2020 1:23 am

besposlenpop je napisao/la:
whisperer je napisao/la:E, da, ljudi... je l ovo još uvijek moj forum? : )))
Pa jelije?  Cool


Jebenmu, sada sam išla malo pogledati u konzolu, izgleda da su preatorian i baabs isto bili mjesecima pred vratima. Ako ne i godinama...  Shocked

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by *madonna* pon srp 06, 2020 6:49 am

Gnječ je napisao/la:
*madonna* je napisao/la:Esko, buba svaba i bakul nije isto.
Bakul je zohar. A buba svaba je ona oklopna buba sto se pretvori u lopticu.

Medjutim, strucnjaci su rekli kako cak bakul  i zohar nije isto. Jedan je veći a jedan manji, i tako ... To su sad znanstvene nijanse.

bakul je žohar isto kao i buba-švaba. to su nazivi za istog kukca. ono što se sklupča u lopticu nije buba-švaba nego se zove porcellino neznam kako to Ukrasne figurice zovu ja ga zovem praščić. i taj sklupčani praščić ne spada u porodicu kukaca nego u porodicu rakova, to je jedini rak koji živi na kopnu dok svi ostali rakovi žive u vodi morskoj ili slatkoj. taj praščić ti je isto što i jastog, kozica, rakovica i ostali rakovi. ima još jedna vrsta jako slična po izgledu ali to je centipede stonoga ona sa oklopom pa se isto sklupča kad osjeti opasnost. tih stonoga ima dužih i kraćih ova kraća je izgledom ista kao račić-praščić tj. porcellio scaber, Armadillidium vulgare .

a ovaj sličan ovom račiću samo je millepiedi Glomeris marginata

a buba švaba tj. žohar je dobio ime ovako:

Riječ buba-švaba sigurno nije niti "najknjiževnija" riječ niti ćete je upotrijebiti u stručnom članku (osim možda u jezičnom), pa ipak, skoro svi na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije dobro znamo na što se misli kada se kaže buba-švaba.
Ali zašto?
Latinski naziv za vrstu žohara najčešću na ovim prostorima je "Blattella germanica", pri čemu je germanica - pridjev "njemačka", jer se krivo mislilo da vrsta potječe iz Njemačke. Englezi tu konkretnu vrstu zovu "njemački žohari", a u Njemačkoj ih zovu ruski žohari.
No da ne skrenemo previše s teme, Švapska (Schwaben) je pokrajina u Njemačkoj koju dijele Bavarska i Baden-Württemberg, a Švabe su bili Nijemci koji su se selili širom središnje i istočne Europe, te su tako ne samo kod nas nego u drugim krajevima uz Dunav postali sinonimom za Nijemce još prije vremena ujedinjenja, odn. prije nego što smo počeli sve Nijemce zvati - Nijemcima.
Me vegnera' un colpo  zubo
Ti ga fatto doktorirat anche sulle bubasvabe  Laugh

Mi mo tu u rijeci, jos kao klinka se sjecam, te bube sto se sklupcaju zvali bubasvabe. Sad, je li to ispravno, ne znam. A one male crvene kukce, malo plosnate, sto secu po podu, zvali smo postari.

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Gnječ i tvornica čokolade pon srp 06, 2020 12:12 pm

*madonna* je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:
*madonna* je napisao/la:Esko, buba svaba i bakul nije isto.
Bakul je zohar. A buba svaba je ona oklopna buba sto se pretvori u lopticu.

Medjutim, strucnjaci su rekli kako cak bakul  i zohar nije isto. Jedan je veći a jedan manji, i tako ... To su sad znanstvene nijanse.

bakul je žohar isto kao i buba-švaba. to su nazivi za istog kukca. ono što se sklupča u lopticu nije buba-švaba nego se zove porcellino neznam kako to Ukrasne figurice zovu ja ga zovem praščić. i taj sklupčani praščić ne spada u porodicu kukaca nego u porodicu rakova, to je jedini rak koji živi na kopnu dok svi ostali rakovi žive u vodi morskoj ili slatkoj. taj praščić ti je isto što i jastog, kozica, rakovica i ostali rakovi. ima još jedna vrsta jako slična po izgledu ali to je centipede stonoga ona sa oklopom pa se isto sklupča kad osjeti opasnost. tih stonoga ima dužih i kraćih ova kraća je izgledom ista kao račić-praščić tj. porcellio scaber, Armadillidium vulgare .

a ovaj sličan ovom račiću samo je millepiedi Glomeris marginata

a buba švaba tj. žohar je dobio ime ovako:

Riječ buba-švaba sigurno nije niti "najknjiževnija" riječ niti ćete je upotrijebiti u stručnom članku (osim možda u jezičnom), pa ipak, skoro svi na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije dobro znamo na što se misli kada se kaže buba-švaba.
Ali zašto?
Latinski naziv za vrstu žohara najčešću na ovim prostorima je "Blattella germanica", pri čemu je germanica - pridjev "njemačka", jer se krivo mislilo da vrsta potječe iz Njemačke. Englezi tu konkretnu vrstu zovu "njemački žohari", a u Njemačkoj ih zovu ruski žohari.
No da ne skrenemo previše s teme, Švapska (Schwaben) je pokrajina u Njemačkoj koju dijele Bavarska i Baden-Württemberg, a Švabe su bili Nijemci koji su se selili širom središnje i istočne Europe, te su tako ne samo kod nas nego u drugim krajevima uz Dunav postali sinonimom za Nijemce još prije vremena ujedinjenja, odn. prije nego što smo počeli sve Nijemce zvati - Nijemcima.
Me vegnera' un colpo  zubo
Ti ga fatto doktorirat anche sulle bubasvabe  Laugh

Mi mo tu u rijeci, jos kao klinka se sjecam, te bube sto se sklupcaju zvali bubasvabe. Sad, je li to ispravno, ne znam. A one male crvene kukce, malo plosnate, sto secu po podu, zvali smo postari.

to sam doktorirao još u osnovnoj školi. imao sam sve bube u glavi.
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Tomica pon srp 06, 2020 3:22 pm

*madonna* je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:
*madonna* je napisao/la:Esko, buba svaba i bakul nije isto.
Bakul je zohar. A buba svaba je ona oklopna buba sto se pretvori u lopticu.

Medjutim, strucnjaci su rekli kako cak bakul  i zohar nije isto. Jedan je veći a jedan manji, i tako ... To su sad znanstvene nijanse.

bakul je žohar isto kao i buba-švaba. to su nazivi za istog kukca. ono što se sklupča u lopticu nije buba-švaba nego se zove porcellino neznam kako to Ukrasne figurice zovu ja ga zovem praščić. i taj sklupčani praščić ne spada u porodicu kukaca nego u porodicu rakova, to je jedini rak koji živi na kopnu dok svi ostali rakovi žive u vodi morskoj ili slatkoj. taj praščić ti je isto što i jastog, kozica, rakovica i ostali rakovi. ima još jedna vrsta jako slična po izgledu ali to je centipede stonoga ona sa oklopom pa se isto sklupča kad osjeti opasnost. tih stonoga ima dužih i kraćih ova kraća je izgledom ista kao račić-praščić tj. porcellio scaber, Armadillidium vulgare .

a ovaj sličan ovom račiću samo je millepiedi Glomeris marginata

a buba švaba tj. žohar je dobio ime ovako:

Riječ buba-švaba sigurno nije niti "najknjiževnija" riječ niti ćete je upotrijebiti u stručnom članku (osim možda u jezičnom), pa ipak, skoro svi na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije dobro znamo na što se misli kada se kaže buba-švaba.
Ali zašto?
Latinski naziv za vrstu žohara najčešću na ovim prostorima je "Blattella germanica", pri čemu je germanica - pridjev "njemačka", jer se krivo mislilo da vrsta potječe iz Njemačke. Englezi tu konkretnu vrstu zovu "njemački žohari", a u Njemačkoj ih zovu ruski žohari.
No da ne skrenemo previše s teme, Švapska (Schwaben) je pokrajina u Njemačkoj koju dijele Bavarska i Baden-Württemberg, a Švabe su bili Nijemci koji su se selili širom središnje i istočne Europe, te su tako ne samo kod nas nego u drugim krajevima uz Dunav postali sinonimom za Nijemce još prije vremena ujedinjenja, odn. prije nego što smo počeli sve Nijemce zvati - Nijemcima.
Me vegnera' un colpo  zubo
Ti ga fatto doktorirat anche sulle bubasvabe  Laugh

Mi mo tu u rijeci, jos kao klinka se sjecam, te bube sto se sklupcaju zvali bubasvabe. Sad, je li to ispravno, ne znam. A one male crvene kukce, malo plosnate, sto secu po podu, zvali smo postari.

A jesu li ti " postari" na svakom krilcu imali jednu debelu crnu tocku?

Inace one kukce-kuglice bas nisam vidjela jako dugo. Happy Mi ih nismo zvali buba-svabe (barem mislim da nismo), one velike crne zohare zovemo "bakul", a oni mali odvratni, smedji sto ih bude na desetine i s kojima zna biti ozbiljnih problema, ako se jednom uvuku u stanove - njih jednostavno zovemo " zohari '.

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by besposlenpop uto srp 07, 2020 7:10 am

whisperer je napisao/la:
besposlenpop je napisao/la:
whisperer je napisao/la:E, da, ljudi... je l ovo još uvijek moj forum? : )))
Pa jelije?  Cool


Jebenmu, sada sam išla malo pogledati u konzolu, izgleda da su preatorian i baabs isto bili mjesecima pred vratima. Ako ne i godinama...  Shocked
Nafatala se prašina na consoli.  zubo

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Tomica uto srp 07, 2020 9:11 pm

whisperer je napisao/la:
besposlenpop je napisao/la:
whisperer je napisao/la:E, da, ljudi... je l ovo još uvijek moj forum? : )))
Pa jelije?  Cool


Jebenmu, sada sam išla malo pogledati u konzolu, izgleda da su preatorian i baabs isto bili mjesecima pred vratima. Ako ne i godinama...  Shocked

Oni tamo cuce godinama. : )))

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Join date : 19.07.2018

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Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Empty Re: Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE

Postaj by Tomica uto srp 07, 2020 9:14 pm

Gnječ je napisao/la:
Tomica je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:
Tomica je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:

eto žena je spizdila na možjane ima nekih problema sama sa sobom, okolinom, svojom obitelji nebitno sa kime pa da ne poludi i završi na neznam čemu uhvatila se jednog stabilnog podatka koga su joj implantirali psihopate iz Opus Dei i toga se podatka (koji je totalna budalaština i izmišljotina laž ) fanatično drži ko pijan plota i gazi sve oko sebe. na drugom topicu sam objasnio u kratko kako to funkcionira. nažalost takvih u er-ha ima svakim danom sve više.

Ma njihov citav argument o tome da ljudski zivot zapocinje zacecem iz cega se odmah zakljucuje da je zigota dijete u pocetnoj fazi (pa time odmah izjednacavaju pobacaj s ubojstvom - cak i ne uzimaju u obzir faze razvoja ploda) meni je obican slippery slope u svoj svojoj nakaznosti logickih "igrarija".

Da ne spominjem manipuliranje rijecima.

Zigota - dijete u pocetnoj fazi


Woow.. Happy

sa luđacima iz pro-life je ikakva razumna debata i argument nemoguća misija. i taj njihov bog baš nije pro-life čim ljudi umiru na sve moguće načine. da je njihov bog pro-life ljudi bi vječno živjeli. kad počinje život? svaki odgovor je slippery slope...The slippery slope argument says that if you cannot draw a clear cut-off line in the development of the fetus into a person, you have to accept that the fetus is a person....oni tvrde da život počinje prije života. život prije života.

nekom život počinje kad završi radno vrijeme, nekom život počinje ujutro, nekom navečer, nekom život počinje kad naruči kriglu piva...itd...

ali kako su lukavo prigrabili naziv pro-life iz jednog sasvim drugog konteksta i sve iskvarili. ali mislim da im ta borba protiv abortusa nije cilj nego sredstvo a cilj im je nešto mnogo morbidnije ali to oni ne žele javno reći.

Alexander Sutherland Neill (17 October 1883 – 23 September 1973) was a Scottish educator and author known for his school, Summerhill, and its philosophy of freedom from adult coercion and its community self-governance. Raised in Scotland, Neill taught at several schools before attending the University of Edinburgh in 1908–1912. He took two jobs in journalism before World War I, and taught at Gretna Green Village School in the first year of the war, writing his first book, A Dominie's Log (1915), as a diary of his life there as head teacher. He joined a Dresden school in 1921 and founded Summerhill on returning to England in 1924. Summerhill gained renown in the 1920s–1930s and then in the 1960s–1970s, due to progressive and counter-culture interest. Neill wrote 20 books. His top seller was the 1960 Summerhill, read widely in the free school movement in the 1960s onwards.

Philosophy of Summerhill School

Neill felt that children (and human nature) were innately good, and that children naturally became just and virtuous when allowed to grow without adult imposition of morality.[25] Children did not need to be coaxed or goaded into desirable behaviour, as their natural state was satisfactory and their natural inclinations "in no way immoral".[26] If left alone, children would become self-regulating, reasonable and ethical adults.[27] Together with Homer Lane, Neill supported personal freedoms for children to live as they please without adult interference, and called this position "on the side of the child".[25] Neill's practice can be summarised as providing children with space, time, and empowerment for personal exploration and with freedom from adult fear and coercion.[28]

The aim of life, to Neill, was "to find happiness, which means to find interest."[29] Likewise, the purpose of Neill's education was to be happy and interested in life,[30] and children needed complete freedom to find their interests.[29] Neill considered happiness an innate characteristic that deteriorated if children were denied personal freedom. Such unhappiness led to repressed and psychologically disordered adults.[30] He blamed a "sick and unhappy" society for widespread unhappiness.[31] Neill claimed that society harboured fears of life, children and emotions that were continually bequeathed to the next generation. He felt that children turned to self-hate and internal hostility when denied an outlet for expression in adult systems of emotional regulation and manipulation. Likewise, children taught to withhold their sexuality would see such feelings negatively, which would fuel disdain for self. Neill thought that calls for obedience quenched the natural needs of children. Moreover, their needs could not be fulfilled by adults or a society that simultaneously prolonged their unhappiness, although perhaps a school like Summerhill could help.[24]


But it was well before 1980 that the movement to stop abortion made one of the smartest moves in the history of cause branding: labeling themselves “pro-life.”

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term “pro-life” was first introduced to modern language in 1960 by A. S. Neill in his book Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Childrearing (p.138), which promoted progressive parenting and citizen attitudes. Neill wrote, “no pro-life citizen would tolerate our penal code, our hangings, our punishments of homosexuals, our attitude towards bastardy.”

By the late 1960s, anti-abortion started to latch on to the “life” framing: the Right to Life League was founded in 1967 in California and the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life was launched in 1968. But it didn’t quite mean what it does today; in progressive circles at the time, you could be “pro-life” by being both anti-abortion and anti-war. “To be pro-life you have to be for all life,” said Sue Bastyr, a 21-year-old student from the University of Minnesota, to the Chicago Tribune in 1971.

Then, in Jan. 1973, the Supreme Court wrote the landmark Roe v. Wade decision declaring American women have the right to choose to have an abortion.  In response, anti-abortion groups began to mobilize rapidly. Part of their move towards organizing was deciding on what to call themselves; “pro-life” was chosen by movement leaders to put forth a positive image. The same month Roe v. Wade was decided, the first iteration of the Human Life Amendment, a proposed constitutional amendment to outlaw abortions, was introduced in congress.

It was a marketing masterstroke: the word “life” has been linked to the opposition of abortion since, and being “pro-life” has come to mean specifically opposing abortion—and not, for instance, opposing war or the death penalty. The success of the label is largely due to its ability to frame the issue not as standing against something (a woman’s choice) but in favor of it (life).

It has been so successful, in fact, that the opposition party was forced to adapt directly to it: the label “pro-choice” was created specifically to counter “pro-life.”,progressive%20parenting%20and%20citizen%20attitudes.

a ova pro-life rječanka je vjerojatno-možda? neki rodni izdanak ove loze pa se mora dokazivat:

Poznati su mi principi summerhillske skole, iako u vrijeme proucavanja alternativnog skolstva, ona me se nekako najmanje dojmila. Cinila mi se suvise idealistickom i ne bas u skladu sa spoznajama ljudske naravi. Danas bih je malo drugacije ocijenila.

Rekla bih da je Aben njen poklonik, iako nesvjestan mozda. U skladu je s njegovim libertarijanskim navadama. Happy

Nisam znala da "pro-life" krilatica vuce korijene od Neilla. Hvala. Happy

da, sjetila si me nečega u svezi summerhill škole. recimo znam po kojoj metodi sam ja učio išao sam u jednu eksperimentalnu školu imali smo prave kabinete za sve predmete kao na fakultetu takvo nešto nisu imali ni u najrazvijenijim zemljama zapada u školama. mi smo učili i radili po  Célestin Freinet pedagogiji i škola je bila među prvima u Freinetovom pokretu Modern School Movement or Mouvement de l'École Moderne. imali smo top-notch profesore i nevjerojatno opremljene kabinete za fiziku, biologiju, povijest, matematiku, kemiju itd. mislim da je malo škola u svijetu bilo tako vrhunski opremljeno i vođeno visoko stručnim kadrovima profesorima i pedagozima.

Concepts of Freinet's pedagogy

Pedagogy of work (pédagogie du travail): pupils were encouraged to learn by making products or providing services.

Enquiry-based learning (tâtonnement expérimental): group-based trial and error work.

Cooperative learning (travail coopératif): pupils were to co-operate in the production process.

Centres of interest (complexe d'intérêt): the children's interests and natural curiosity are starting points for a learning process

The natural method (méthode naturelle): authentic learning by using real experiences of children.

Democracy: children learn to take responsibility for their own work and for the whole community by using democratic self-government.


The constants cited below are only a part, a sort of summary of the pedagogical work of Celestin Freinet.

The child is of the same nature as us [adults].

Being bigger does not necessarily mean being above others.

A child's academic behavior is a function of his constitution, health, and physiological state.

No one - neither the child nor the adult - likes to be commanded by authority.

No one likes to align oneself, because to align oneself is to obey passively an external order.

No one likes to be forced to do a certain job, even if this work does not displease him or her particularly. It is being forced that is paralyzing.

Everyone likes to choose their job, even if this choice is not advantageous.

No one likes to move mindlessly, to act like a robot, that is to do acts, to bend to thoughts that are prescribed in mechanisms in which he does not participate.

We [the teachers] need to motivate the work.

No more scholasticism.

Everyone wants to succeed. Failure is inhibitory, destructive of progress and enthusiasm.

It is not games that are natural to the child, but work.

The normal path of [knowledge] acquisition is not observation, explanation and demonstration, the essential process of the School, but experimental trial and error, a natural and universal process.

Memorization, which the School deals with in so many cases, is applicable and valuable only when it is truly in service of life.

[Knowledge] acquisition does not take place as one sometimes believes, by the study of rules and laws, but by experience. To study these rules and laws in [language], in art, in mathematics, in science, is to place the cart before the horse.

Intelligence is not, as scholasticism teaches, a specific faculty functioning as a closed circuit, independent of the other vital elements of the individual.

The School only cultivates an abstract form of intelligence, which operates outside living reality, by means of words and ideas implanted by memorization.

The child does not like to listen to an ex cathedra lesson.

The child does not tire of doing work that is in line with his life, work which is, so to speak, functional for him.

No one, neither child nor adult, likes control and punishment, which is always considered an attack on one's dignity, especially when exercised in public.

Grades and rankings are always a mistake.

Speak as little as possible.

The child does not like the work of a herd to which the individual has to fold like a robot. He loves individual work or teamwork in a cooperative community.

Order and discipline are needed in class.

Punishments are always a mistake. They are humiliating for all and never achieve the desired goal. They are at best a last resort.

The new life of the School presupposes school cooperation, that is, the management by its users, including the educator, of life and school work.

Class overcrowding is always a pedagogical error.

The current design of large school complexes results in the anonymity of teachers and pupils; It is, therefore, always an error and a hindrance.

The democracy of tomorrow is being prepared by democracy at the School. An authoritarian regime at the School cannot be formative of democratic citizens.

One can only educate in dignity. Respecting children, who must respect their masters, is one of the first conditions for the redemption of the School.

The opposition of the pedagogical reaction, an element of the social and political reaction, is also a constant, with whom we shall have, alas! to reckon unless we are able to avoid or correct it ourselves.

There is also a constant that justifies all our trial and error and authenticates our action: it is the optimistic hope in life.élestin_Freinet

Ovo cu si obiljeziti da se mogu vratiti temi... Pa odlicna ti je bila skolica!

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Postaj by Gnječ i tvornica čokolade uto srp 07, 2020 10:47 pm

Tomica je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:
Tomica je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:
Tomica je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:

eto žena je spizdila na možjane ima nekih problema sama sa sobom, okolinom, svojom obitelji nebitno sa kime pa da ne poludi i završi na neznam čemu uhvatila se jednog stabilnog podatka koga su joj implantirali psihopate iz Opus Dei i toga se podatka (koji je totalna budalaština i izmišljotina laž ) fanatično drži ko pijan plota i gazi sve oko sebe. na drugom topicu sam objasnio u kratko kako to funkcionira. nažalost takvih u er-ha ima svakim danom sve više.

Ma njihov citav argument o tome da ljudski zivot zapocinje zacecem iz cega se odmah zakljucuje da je zigota dijete u pocetnoj fazi (pa time odmah izjednacavaju pobacaj s ubojstvom - cak i ne uzimaju u obzir faze razvoja ploda) meni je obican slippery slope u svoj svojoj nakaznosti logickih "igrarija".

Da ne spominjem manipuliranje rijecima.

Zigota - dijete u pocetnoj fazi


Woow.. Happy

sa luđacima iz pro-life je ikakva razumna debata i argument nemoguća misija. i taj njihov bog baš nije pro-life čim ljudi umiru na sve moguće načine. da je njihov bog pro-life ljudi bi vječno živjeli. kad počinje život? svaki odgovor je slippery slope...The slippery slope argument says that if you cannot draw a clear cut-off line in the development of the fetus into a person, you have to accept that the fetus is a person....oni tvrde da život počinje prije života. život prije života.

nekom život počinje kad završi radno vrijeme, nekom život počinje ujutro, nekom navečer, nekom život počinje kad naruči kriglu piva...itd...

ali kako su lukavo prigrabili naziv pro-life iz jednog sasvim drugog konteksta i sve iskvarili. ali mislim da im ta borba protiv abortusa nije cilj nego sredstvo a cilj im je nešto mnogo morbidnije ali to oni ne žele javno reći.

Alexander Sutherland Neill (17 October 1883 – 23 September 1973) was a Scottish educator and author known for his school, Summerhill, and its philosophy of freedom from adult coercion and its community self-governance. Raised in Scotland, Neill taught at several schools before attending the University of Edinburgh in 1908–1912. He took two jobs in journalism before World War I, and taught at Gretna Green Village School in the first year of the war, writing his first book, A Dominie's Log (1915), as a diary of his life there as head teacher. He joined a Dresden school in 1921 and founded Summerhill on returning to England in 1924. Summerhill gained renown in the 1920s–1930s and then in the 1960s–1970s, due to progressive and counter-culture interest. Neill wrote 20 books. His top seller was the 1960 Summerhill, read widely in the free school movement in the 1960s onwards.

Philosophy of Summerhill School

Neill felt that children (and human nature) were innately good, and that children naturally became just and virtuous when allowed to grow without adult imposition of morality.[25] Children did not need to be coaxed or goaded into desirable behaviour, as their natural state was satisfactory and their natural inclinations "in no way immoral".[26] If left alone, children would become self-regulating, reasonable and ethical adults.[27] Together with Homer Lane, Neill supported personal freedoms for children to live as they please without adult interference, and called this position "on the side of the child".[25] Neill's practice can be summarised as providing children with space, time, and empowerment for personal exploration and with freedom from adult fear and coercion.[28]

The aim of life, to Neill, was "to find happiness, which means to find interest."[29] Likewise, the purpose of Neill's education was to be happy and interested in life,[30] and children needed complete freedom to find their interests.[29] Neill considered happiness an innate characteristic that deteriorated if children were denied personal freedom. Such unhappiness led to repressed and psychologically disordered adults.[30] He blamed a "sick and unhappy" society for widespread unhappiness.[31] Neill claimed that society harboured fears of life, children and emotions that were continually bequeathed to the next generation. He felt that children turned to self-hate and internal hostility when denied an outlet for expression in adult systems of emotional regulation and manipulation. Likewise, children taught to withhold their sexuality would see such feelings negatively, which would fuel disdain for self. Neill thought that calls for obedience quenched the natural needs of children. Moreover, their needs could not be fulfilled by adults or a society that simultaneously prolonged their unhappiness, although perhaps a school like Summerhill could help.[24]


But it was well before 1980 that the movement to stop abortion made one of the smartest moves in the history of cause branding: labeling themselves “pro-life.”

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term “pro-life” was first introduced to modern language in 1960 by A. S. Neill in his book Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Childrearing (p.138), which promoted progressive parenting and citizen attitudes. Neill wrote, “no pro-life citizen would tolerate our penal code, our hangings, our punishments of homosexuals, our attitude towards bastardy.”

By the late 1960s, anti-abortion started to latch on to the “life” framing: the Right to Life League was founded in 1967 in California and the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life was launched in 1968. But it didn’t quite mean what it does today; in progressive circles at the time, you could be “pro-life” by being both anti-abortion and anti-war. “To be pro-life you have to be for all life,” said Sue Bastyr, a 21-year-old student from the University of Minnesota, to the Chicago Tribune in 1971.

Then, in Jan. 1973, the Supreme Court wrote the landmark Roe v. Wade decision declaring American women have the right to choose to have an abortion.  In response, anti-abortion groups began to mobilize rapidly. Part of their move towards organizing was deciding on what to call themselves; “pro-life” was chosen by movement leaders to put forth a positive image. The same month Roe v. Wade was decided, the first iteration of the Human Life Amendment, a proposed constitutional amendment to outlaw abortions, was introduced in congress.

It was a marketing masterstroke: the word “life” has been linked to the opposition of abortion since, and being “pro-life” has come to mean specifically opposing abortion—and not, for instance, opposing war or the death penalty. The success of the label is largely due to its ability to frame the issue not as standing against something (a woman’s choice) but in favor of it (life).

It has been so successful, in fact, that the opposition party was forced to adapt directly to it: the label “pro-choice” was created specifically to counter “pro-life.”,progressive%20parenting%20and%20citizen%20attitudes.

a ova pro-life rječanka je vjerojatno-možda? neki rodni izdanak ove loze pa se mora dokazivat:

Poznati su mi principi summerhillske skole, iako u vrijeme proucavanja alternativnog skolstva, ona me se nekako najmanje dojmila. Cinila mi se suvise idealistickom i ne bas u skladu sa spoznajama ljudske naravi. Danas bih je malo drugacije ocijenila.

Rekla bih da je Aben njen poklonik, iako nesvjestan mozda. U skladu je s njegovim libertarijanskim navadama. Happy

Nisam znala da "pro-life" krilatica vuce korijene od Neilla. Hvala. Happy

da, sjetila si me nečega u svezi summerhill škole. recimo znam po kojoj metodi sam ja učio išao sam u jednu eksperimentalnu školu imali smo prave kabinete za sve predmete kao na fakultetu takvo nešto nisu imali ni u najrazvijenijim zemljama zapada u školama. mi smo učili i radili po  Célestin Freinet pedagogiji i škola je bila među prvima u Freinetovom pokretu Modern School Movement or Mouvement de l'École Moderne. imali smo top-notch profesore i nevjerojatno opremljene kabinete za fiziku, biologiju, povijest, matematiku, kemiju itd. mislim da je malo škola u svijetu bilo tako vrhunski opremljeno i vođeno visoko stručnim kadrovima profesorima i pedagozima.

Concepts of Freinet's pedagogy

Pedagogy of work (pédagogie du travail): pupils were encouraged to learn by making products or providing services.

Enquiry-based learning (tâtonnement expérimental): group-based trial and error work.

Cooperative learning (travail coopératif): pupils were to co-operate in the production process.

Centres of interest (complexe d'intérêt): the children's interests and natural curiosity are starting points for a learning process

The natural method (méthode naturelle): authentic learning by using real experiences of children.

Democracy: children learn to take responsibility for their own work and for the whole community by using democratic self-government.


The constants cited below are only a part, a sort of summary of the pedagogical work of Celestin Freinet.

The child is of the same nature as us [adults].

Being bigger does not necessarily mean being above others.

A child's academic behavior is a function of his constitution, health, and physiological state.

No one - neither the child nor the adult - likes to be commanded by authority.

No one likes to align oneself, because to align oneself is to obey passively an external order.

No one likes to be forced to do a certain job, even if this work does not displease him or her particularly. It is being forced that is paralyzing.

Everyone likes to choose their job, even if this choice is not advantageous.

No one likes to move mindlessly, to act like a robot, that is to do acts, to bend to thoughts that are prescribed in mechanisms in which he does not participate.

We [the teachers] need to motivate the work.

No more scholasticism.

Everyone wants to succeed. Failure is inhibitory, destructive of progress and enthusiasm.

It is not games that are natural to the child, but work.

The normal path of [knowledge] acquisition is not observation, explanation and demonstration, the essential process of the School, but experimental trial and error, a natural and universal process.

Memorization, which the School deals with in so many cases, is applicable and valuable only when it is truly in service of life.

[Knowledge] acquisition does not take place as one sometimes believes, by the study of rules and laws, but by experience. To study these rules and laws in [language], in art, in mathematics, in science, is to place the cart before the horse.

Intelligence is not, as scholasticism teaches, a specific faculty functioning as a closed circuit, independent of the other vital elements of the individual.

The School only cultivates an abstract form of intelligence, which operates outside living reality, by means of words and ideas implanted by memorization.

The child does not like to listen to an ex cathedra lesson.

The child does not tire of doing work that is in line with his life, work which is, so to speak, functional for him.

No one, neither child nor adult, likes control and punishment, which is always considered an attack on one's dignity, especially when exercised in public.

Grades and rankings are always a mistake.

Speak as little as possible.

The child does not like the work of a herd to which the individual has to fold like a robot. He loves individual work or teamwork in a cooperative community.

Order and discipline are needed in class.

Punishments are always a mistake. They are humiliating for all and never achieve the desired goal. They are at best a last resort.

The new life of the School presupposes school cooperation, that is, the management by its users, including the educator, of life and school work.

Class overcrowding is always a pedagogical error.

The current design of large school complexes results in the anonymity of teachers and pupils; It is, therefore, always an error and a hindrance.

The democracy of tomorrow is being prepared by democracy at the School. An authoritarian regime at the School cannot be formative of democratic citizens.

One can only educate in dignity. Respecting children, who must respect their masters, is one of the first conditions for the redemption of the School.

The opposition of the pedagogical reaction, an element of the social and political reaction, is also a constant, with whom we shall have, alas! to reckon unless we are able to avoid or correct it ourselves.

There is also a constant that justifies all our trial and error and authenticates our action: it is the optimistic hope in life.élestin_Freinet

Ovo cu si obiljeziti da se mogu vratiti temi... Pa odlicna ti je bila skolica!

školica je u ono doba bila avangarda čak i u svijetu jedna od rijetkih koja je uvela 100% Freinetovu pedagogiju u sve djeliće škole. bila je priznata u svijetu profesori i nastavnici su obavezno nekoliko puta godišnje odlazili na edukacije van SFRJ čini mi se u Francusku. a ja sam jedva čekao ići na nastavu to mi je bilo kao da sam ušao u neku drugu dimenziju gdje se znanje djelilo kao na švedskom stolu. mogao sam imati još dodatne nastave koliko sam htio bile su razne specijalizirane grupe za svaki predmet za onoga tko je htio znati više ali meni ni to nije bilo dosta pa sam još išao na tečajeve stranih jezika tada se zvao omladinski tj. pionirski dom to su bili tečajevi za napredne kao da polažeš u nekoj školi u UK. nema vrludanja. uz to sam bio član još nekoliko grupa za napredne uglavnom sve me zanimalo čak su mi i predlagali da preskočim razred jer jer sam po znanju jednostavno bio ispred svih drugih. ali nisam bio pristao na tu opciju. išao bih opet ali upio sam sve što se moglo upiti po zadanim programima. bio sam kao spužva jebemu. spužvabob.
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade

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Postaj by Gnječ i tvornica čokolade uto srp 07, 2020 11:13 pm

Tomica je napisao/la:
*madonna* je napisao/la:
Gnječ je napisao/la:
*madonna* je napisao/la:Esko, buba svaba i bakul nije isto.
Bakul je zohar. A buba svaba je ona oklopna buba sto se pretvori u lopticu.

Medjutim, strucnjaci su rekli kako cak bakul  i zohar nije isto. Jedan je veći a jedan manji, i tako ... To su sad znanstvene nijanse.

bakul je žohar isto kao i buba-švaba. to su nazivi za istog kukca. ono što se sklupča u lopticu nije buba-švaba nego se zove porcellino neznam kako to Ukrasne figurice zovu ja ga zovem praščić. i taj sklupčani praščić ne spada u porodicu kukaca nego u porodicu rakova, to je jedini rak koji živi na kopnu dok svi ostali rakovi žive u vodi morskoj ili slatkoj. taj praščić ti je isto što i jastog, kozica, rakovica i ostali rakovi. ima još jedna vrsta jako slična po izgledu ali to je centipede stonoga ona sa oklopom pa se isto sklupča kad osjeti opasnost. tih stonoga ima dužih i kraćih ova kraća je izgledom ista kao račić-praščić tj. porcellio scaber, Armadillidium vulgare .

a ovaj sličan ovom račiću samo je millepiedi Glomeris marginata

a buba švaba tj. žohar je dobio ime ovako:

Riječ buba-švaba sigurno nije niti "najknjiževnija" riječ niti ćete je upotrijebiti u stručnom članku (osim možda u jezičnom), pa ipak, skoro svi na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije dobro znamo na što se misli kada se kaže buba-švaba.
Ali zašto?
Latinski naziv za vrstu žohara najčešću na ovim prostorima je "Blattella germanica", pri čemu je germanica - pridjev "njemačka", jer se krivo mislilo da vrsta potječe iz Njemačke. Englezi tu konkretnu vrstu zovu "njemački žohari", a u Njemačkoj ih zovu ruski žohari.
No da ne skrenemo previše s teme, Švapska (Schwaben) je pokrajina u Njemačkoj koju dijele Bavarska i Baden-Württemberg, a Švabe su bili Nijemci koji su se selili širom središnje i istočne Europe, te su tako ne samo kod nas nego u drugim krajevima uz Dunav postali sinonimom za Nijemce još prije vremena ujedinjenja, odn. prije nego što smo počeli sve Nijemce zvati - Nijemcima.
Me vegnera' un colpo  zubo
Ti ga fatto doktorirat anche sulle bubasvabe  Laugh

Mi mo tu u rijeci, jos kao klinka se sjecam, te bube sto se sklupcaju zvali bubasvabe. Sad, je li to ispravno, ne znam. A one male crvene kukce, malo plosnate, sto secu po podu, zvali smo postari.

A jesu li ti " postari" na svakom krilcu imali jednu debelu crnu tocku?

Inace one kukce-kuglice bas nisam vidjela jako dugo. Happy Mi ih nismo zvali buba-svabe (barem mislim da nismo), one velike crne zohare zovemo "bakul", a oni mali odvratni, smedji sto ih bude na desetine i s kojima zna biti ozbiljnih problema, ako se jednom uvuku u stanove - njih jednostavno zovemo " zohari '.

Vrijeme u kojem živimo- KALI YUGE - Page 2 Pyrrhocoris_apterus_%28aka%29
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade
Gnječ i tvornica čokolade

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Postaj by Gnječ i tvornica čokolade sri srp 08, 2020 1:05 am

eto kopam, kopam i iskopam  ovo: Kina 2013. godine šest rudara u napuštenom rudniku bakra u provinciji Yunnan zarazilo se "nečime" svi dobili tešku upalu pluća i troje je umrlo. kineska vlada poslala ekipu virologa da istraži slučaj. virolozi došli obukli skafandere i sad tu kreće priča za film kojeg gledamo svaki dan.

Out of the bat cave: China’s deadly maze

Deep in China, three men entered a cave and died with a mystery illness. Why was it kept under wraps for years?

In the monsoon season of August 2012 a small team of scientists travelled to southwest China to investigate a new and mysteriously lethal illness. After driving through terraced tea plantations, the scientists reached their destination: an abandoned copper mine, where — in white hazmat suits and respirator masks — they ventured into the darkness.

Instantly, they were struck by the stench. Overhead, bats roosted. Underfoot, rats and shrews scurried through thick layers of their droppings. It was a breeding ground for mutated microorganisms and pathogens deadly to human beings. There was a reason to take extra care. Weeks earlier, six men who had entered the mine had been struck down by an illness that caused an uncontrollable pneumonia. Three of them died.

Today, as deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic exceed half a million and economies totter, the bats’ repellent lair has taken on global significance.

It came from one of the last droppings collected in the year-long quest, during which the six researchers sent hundreds of samples back to their home city of Wuhan. There, experts on bat viruses were trying to identify the source of the SARS — severe acute respiratory syndrome — pandemic 10 years earlier.

The virus was a huge discovery. It was a “new strain” of a SARS-type coronavirus that, surprisingly, received only a passing mention in an academic paper. The six sick men were not referred to at all.

What happened to the virus in the years between its discovery and the eruption of COVID-19? Why was its existence tucked away in obscure records, and its link to three deaths not mentioned? Nobody can deny the bravery of scientists who risked their lives harvesting the highly infectious virus. But did their courageous detective work lead inadvertently to a global disaster?

At the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming, doctors were confounded by a mystery illness. The six men who had been working in the bat-infested mine had raging fevers above 39C, coughs and aching limbs. All but one had severe difficulty in breathing.

After the first two men died, the remaining four underwent a barrage of tests for haemorrhagic fever, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis and influenza, but all came back negative. They were also tested for SARS, the outbreak that erupted in southern China in 2002, but also proved negative.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), a renowned centre of coronavirus expertise, was called in to test the four survivors. These produced a remarkable finding: while none had tested positive for SARS, all four had antibodies against another, unknown SARS-like coronavirus.

Furthermore, two patients who recovered and went home showed greater levels of antibodies than two still in hospital, one of whom later died.

Researchers in China have been unable to find any news reports of this new SARS-like coronavirus and the three deaths. There appears to have been a media blackout. It is, however, possible to piece together what happened in the Kunming hospital from a master’s thesis by a young medic named Li Xu.

Li’s thesis was unable to say what exactly killed the three miners, but indicated the most likely cause was a SARS-like coronavirus from a bat. “This makes the research of the bats in the mine where the six miners worked and later suffered from severe pneumonia caused by unknown virus a significant research topic,” Li concluded. That research was already under way — led by the Wuhan virologist, Shi Zhengli, who became known as “Bat Woman” — and it adds to the mystery.

The results were reported in a scientific paper, “Coexistence of multiple coronaviruses in several bat colonies in an abandoned mineshaft”, co-authored by Shi and her fellow scientists in 2016.

Notably, the paper makes no mention of why the study had been carried out: the miners, their pneumonia and the deaths of three of them. The paper does state, however, that of the 152 genetic sequences of coronavirus found in the six species of bats in the mineshaft, two were of the type that had caused SARS.

One is classified as a “new strain” of SARS and labelled RaBtCoV/4991. It was found in a Rhinolophus affinis, commonly known as a horseshoe bat. The towering significance of RaBtCov/4991 would not be fully understood for seven years.


In 2013, Zheng-Li Shi, the “bat woman,” and her team from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were asked to investigate the virus profile of a mine shaft in Yunnan Province after six miners contracted pneumonia with symptoms similar to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

After sampling the mine shaft for a year, the researchers identified a diverse group of bat coronaviruses, one of which was designated RaBtCoV/4991 (GenBank KP876546) and partially sequenced as a 440-base pair fragment targeting the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene (RdRp).

Despite being  unique enough to be considered a new strain and associated with a human SARS-like outbreak as a Potential Pandemic Pathogen, thereafter, RaBtCoV/4991 disappeared from the scientific literature.

That is, until 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered an intensive search for the origin of the coronavirus responsible, SARS-CoV-2.

In the February 3, 2020 Nature article, scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, led by Zheng-Li Shi, stated that the coronavirus RaTG13, isolated from bats in Yunnan Province, China, showed a 96.2% sequence identity with SARS-CoV-2 and, therefore, “RaTG13 is the closest relative” forming a distinct lineage from other coronaviruses and supporting China’s claim that SARS-CoV-2 is naturally-occurring.

A month later, on March 17, 2020, the article “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2,” widely-cited by scientists and the media, supported the conclusion that RaTG13 is SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, which likely “jumped” from animals to humans in the Wuhan Seafood Market.

It is important to note that, Ian Lipkin, one of the authors of “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2,” the article supporting China’s claim that SARS-CoV-2 is naturally occurring, received a medal from the Chinese government in January, 2020.

It did not take long for doubts to appear about the validity of the RaTG13 argument or even its existence . We have now learned that RaTG13 existed only on paper. RaTG13 and RaBtCoV/4991 are the same virus.

The entire RaTG13 genome was first uploaded to the National Institutes of Health GenBank on January 27, 2020 and updated on March 24, 2020. In those filings, there is no mention of RaBtCoV/4991.

Yet, in a Chinese virus database, dated March 7, 2020 in the source code, RaTG13 and RaBtCoV/4991 are listed as being the same virus. It means that China knew early on that RaTG13 was not a unique coronavirus, but merely a duplicate of RaBtCoV/4991 and kept that important fact secret.

China has long implied that RaTG13 was only discovered in 2020 after the onset of the pandemic via a search of its coronavirus database.

That claim was echoed by Peter Daszak, President of the EcoHealth Alliance and long-time collaborator of the Wuhan Institute of Virology:

“We found the closest relative to the current SARS-CoV-2 in a bat in China in 2013. We sequenced a bit of the genome, and then it went in the freezer; because it didn’t look like SARS.”

Now comes yet another stunning revelation. It was not in the freezer.

According to new information, Chinese scientists experimented with RaTG13 during 2017 and 2018.

The evidence clearly shows that, not only did China lie in a major way about the origin of COVID-19, but that it is, without question, due to a man-made virus.

The final, trickiest question for WHO inspectors is whether the virus might have escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan.

Is it possible, for example, RaTG13 or a similar virus turned into COVID-19 and leaked into the population after infecting one of the scientists at the Wuhan institute?

This seriously divides the experts. Australian virologist Edward Holmes has estimated that RaTG13 would take up to 50 years to evolve the extra 4 per cent that would make it a 100 per cent match with the COVID-19 virus. Martin Hibberd, of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, believes it might take less than 20 years to morph naturally into the virus driving the current pandemic.

But others say such arguments are based on the assumption the virus develops at a constant rate. “That is not a valid assumption,” said Richard Ebright of Rutgers University’s Waksman Institute of Microbiology. “When a virus changes hosts and adapts to a new host, the rate of evolutionary change is much higher. And so it is possible that RaTG13, particularly if it entered humans prior to November 2019, may have undergone adaptation in humans at a rate that would allow it to give rise to Sars-Cov-2. I think that is a distinct possibility.”

Ebright believes an even more controversial theory should not be ruled out. “It also, of course, is a distinct possibility that work done in the laboratory on RaTG13 may have resulted in artificial in-laboratory adaptation that erased those three to five decades of evolutionary distance.”

It is a view Hibberd does not believe is possible. “Sars-Cov-2 and RaTG13 are not the same virus and I don’t think you can easily manipulate one into the other. It seems exceptionally difficult.”

Ebright alleges, however, that the type of work required to create COVID-19 from RaTG13 was “identical” to work the laboratory had done in the past. “The very same techniques, the very same experimental strategies using RaTG13 as the starting point, would yield a virus essentially identical to Sars-Cov-2.”
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